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i swear i didn't mean for it to feel like this
like every inch of me is bruised.bruised

my right arm is aching pretty badly, and i'm guessing it's from lazerquest. according to the guys, i hold my gun straight on (like talahasse from zombieland) and walk around shooting people instead of running. i pro hor~ hahaha. then when i get shot, i can't shoot. so i instinctively cock the gun down like if it was a double-barrel, which sort of doesn't make sense cos you can't hold a double-barrel like that. HAHA. i'm cool la, hands down(; i couldn't be bothered to run cos during my first round, i was running and my gun kept disconnecting and i had to run out to connect it back. so annoying. oh well, it was completely fun anyway. :D
in other news, i've finally gotten a check-up at the polyclinic today. i've had this foot problem and i kept getting migranes lately. i had to keep bringing panadol extra around wherever i go, and people kept calling me a druggie. oh joy.
hmm, i probably won't have time to blog these days cos i've usually been busy with stuff. this week i have three tests, recording with waiyan tomorrow/wednesday, zoom on saturday and easter drama on sunday. omgosh, embarassing. oh well, i'm doing it for God! haha.
it's already 10:16pm. seems early, but i'm already feeling tired. i'm gonna go to bed and sleep now. goodnight and goodbye.

i'm living on borrowed time.
- from Stalin, with love
I remember every look upon your face.
The way you roll your eyes, the way you tasteIt's 1.06am and I can't fall asleep. I've been trying to for the past 2 hours and I just can't. I've been thinking about you. Wait, who are you again?

I'm falling to pieces.
Shannen's Facebook status: girls smile ear to ear when she receives a text from a boy she fancies.
Take a hint, babe. Wanna see me smile, right?(; HAHAHA. I am going out of my mind. Today, after the rehearsal, I ran around and was jumping in the middle of the road at church cos there weren't any cars around and I got super highhhhhh! I was very tempted to lie down right there and then, but it wasn't like I could take a photo, so it's not worth risking anything. HAHA.
It's gonna be back to school tomorrow. One word. Ugh. Yes, I am aware that 'ugh' isn't even an actual word, but who are you to judge. Bleurgh. I haven't started on any of my homework yet, as I have been too busy having a life. And sleeping. Sleep is goooood. Anyway, I promised myself, and other people, that this week would be the last slacking week, and from tomorrow, I'd start to get serious with my schoolwork. Ugh. Just thinking about it gives me the heebiejeebies. Well, I do need to catch up on a lot of work, but I don't think I'm THAT far behind. I admit, I am lazy, incompetent, forgetful, irresponisible and undisciplined. Yes, I am one horrible person, but I am smart. I know I'm smart. I can get and understand things pretty easily if I just bothered to. And no, I usually don't bother to. Screw studies, man, I'd rather memorize every one of Brett Erlich's Viral Video Film School podcasts, but oh well. This year, I'd have to focus on Geography and Chemistry and shizz. Oh joy.

It's 2.03 now. Slumber calls.
- from Stalin, with love.
When I wake up, the dream isn't done.
I wanna see your face and know I made it home.In case you do not follow me on Twitter, which I'm sure most of you don't and I thank God for that (somehow), I have finally watched Alice in Wonderland.
Okay, the verdict: visuals were, of course, stunning. Tim Burton does not disappoint. The cast were amazing as well. I love Anne Hathaway, but I dislike she's all pansy in the movie. Yes, I get it. She's the prim and proper queen, but it just doesn't seem to suit her. I can imagine her being totally evil as the red queen. Hehe. I love alice's dresses too. Amazing stylists! The only thing I didn't like about the movie though is that it lacks plot. I don't know if it's just because I've expected way too much, considering it IS Alice in Wonderland, or whether I'm right, but yeah. Not enough story. Just the same old Alice bonanza. Overall, I still think it's a great movie to watch if you're not too much of an in depth person. Not Tim Burton's best work, but I think he really made it much more alive and made people view the story in another angle. I'd say 3.5 out of 5 stars. (:

All the girls and the boys and people making noise, I wanna hear you shout, bring 'em out! Bring 'em out!
- from Stalin, with love.
You're my first love. You're my true love.
You are all I need.Last night, I went to CHC's Youth Meeting with Shannen and W531. I totally didn't regret missing out on Alice in Wonderland, not even a bit.
Something dawned on me when I woke up this morning. I'm a daughter of God. Jesus is my big brother. Do you have any idea how awesome that is?! God eh! Jesus eh! Frikkin amazing. Sure, I already knew that before, but I've never really fully realized how much that meant. I think it's seriously damn cool la.
So it's my second day of so-called holidays and I haven't touched any of my homework and I'm currently bumming. This will probably the last day I'll get to bum for the rest of this school year. I got back my results last Friday, and I was waaaaaay below average. I wasn't disappointed. I wasn't even surprised. I didn't put any effort this term at all, so no biggie, but I'm totally gonna start mugging next term. There's a lot to catch up on.
Plans during the 'holidays':
Monday - Geography supplementary lesson, Youth meeting with Shannen
Tuesday - bumming galore, movies with dad and bro
Wednesday - renew ATM card, renew IC, maybe Minds Cafe with Emily if she's free
Thursday - A Maths supplementary lesson, Sentosa with YouthZone
Friday - Geography supplementary lesson, HPB
Busy week, ey? Oh well.
I feel empty. I just spent the whole day watching stuff on YouTube, it really isn't that much considering I woke up at 2pm, and I don't feel satisfied. I don't just feel bored, it's like.. I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and I just don't mean the homework.
In other news, jealousy. "It's jealousy, they could see that we've got it going on!". Do we really? I'd like to say 'i hope so', but I don't want to sound despo. Oh geez. I wonder how life would be without all the complications. Would it be better? I think it's just going to be boring, don't you think?
I feel that I am no longer making sense so I shall go off now and fix my iTunes.
I had a nice chat with Constance on the way back from Expo last night. Yes, I just had to say that(:
I miss my hamster.

- from Stalin, with love.
The devil comes in shorts skirts and boobies. In my case, it's guys in dress shoes, jeans, casual tshirt and a blazer.
Bradley Cooper in The Hangover and Gerard Butler in The Ugly Truth. Yumyum.On my way home from Orchard now.
I feel really bad. ): dammit, I really shouldn't let people know that guilt is my ultimate kryptonite.
We had geography supplementary lessons today, which was surprisingly not horrible! It was just a bit too much to digest, I guess. Anyway, after lessons, hadzi, Bernard, liyan, sufyan, Avery soh and I headed to Cineleisure planning to watch Alice in wonderland, but there wasn't a timing I could go for. ): so I told them to go without me, then they all started guilt-tripping me. It hurts okay! Hahaha. I felt sincerely bad, but oh well. Haha. Had lunch with them at kfc where I got stared at practically the whole time and liyan kept talking to me, then going 'wait! Why am I talking to you?!?'. HAHAHA. epic. Then NEOPRINTS. ZOHMYFRIKKINGOSH. NEOPRINTS! <3 for the epic win. 'nuff said.
Shall post the pictures later (or not) when I reach home. Gonna sleep now.
Okay, I can't sleep. So I guess I shall continue typing.
I was thinking about what ps nick talked about yesterday. "Who the Hell is the Devil?". Hilarious, ps nick, hilarious. Anyway, yeah. The devil doesn't need to 'possess' people into convulsions and spasms, he finally learned the art of subtlety.
Something happened recently. I wanted to go for a church event, but some friends wanted me to go with them LAN-ing. If you know me personally, you'd know that if you gave me the option of LAN-ing first, I would've picked that in a heartbeat, but I still went for that event cos well, it's a church thing. I've never even missed cell for anything, unless it was absolutely necessary. So yeah, they said I was a pussy for ditching LAN-ing for a church event, and made me feel all guilty about it and other stuff. Do you have any idea how horrible that feels? I hate it when people say 'fine la, ditch us', omgosh. Just thinking about it gives me chills.
So yeah. That's it. With that simple thing, BOOM! Devil. It's not even about LAN-ing luh, it's about friends making you feel bad to the point that you just wanna give up and go with them. And that story didn't really happen. It was just a random thing. I have a lot of time to think when I take the train from Somerset to ChoaChuKang. But yeah, I would still feel that horrible if something like that happened to me, and I might just give in.
Screw you, low guilt-treshold.
In other news, I'm tired and my batt's low so I shall stop here.
- from Stalin, with love.
It takes skill to miss someone right next to you
I pro hor.Someone once told me recently, bros before hos, to which I reply, _|_. At least if I was a ho, I get laid. Up yours, bitch.

Shall update more later. Or maybe not.
- from Stalin, with love.
I'm typing this as I'm on the way home. Went to City Harvest Church today, since we didn't have cell and people weren't free to go out, and I don't regret it one bit. (: I've always liked CHC. Someone has even said that she's never heard me talk so passionately about anything this much before. Hahaha. Some of you may say, "like so much, then go move to that church la!", i'll tell you in a heartbeat that I'd love to, but I can't. I guess I could, but Daddy said I should stay, which totally doesn't make sense AT ALL. I mean, it's not like I despise CPBC, so it isn't really hard for me to stay, but you have no idea how much I like the 'culture', as siling calls it, in CHC. The hype, accountability, openness, friendlyness, power in sermons, you just have to go to their service to get it. Anyway, yeah. I really love CHC, but God's asking me to stay in CPBC, so I shall. I constanty ask him why though. Guess I'll never really know. To CPBC: I love you guys too. I just think that we should seriously get out of our comfort zones and do things in faith. (:
In other news, I have the best screensaver on my phone ever. -.- thanks a lot, bud. Haha. Oh, today! I woke up a few mins later than 11:11. ): it's my new thing now. Hahaha. When I catch 11:11, I'll take a screenshot on my phone. I don't know why I do it either, I just get a bit of a thrill, and I don't even believe in all the 'make a wish' and 'someone misses you' thing. Haha.

Screensaver has been temporarily changed to protect reputation.
- from Stalin, with love.
I don't need a bestfriend. I've got many many awesome, caring friends(:
Sorry for the multiple posts today! I just had to let it all out(:I can't imagine how people with enemies feel like. I mean, sure, I've had my fair share of mutually-disliking relationship, but not to the point where I won't be able to calm myself enough to face the person and talk to them. People with enemies are missing out. Seriously.
Lellel: marami akong narinig na kwento tungkol sayo kanina!
Liza: sino nagsabi?
Lellel: si wy, a, a. Tapos tinanong ko kung ano ginawa ni truegudzigi.
Liza: hahaha anong sabi nila?
Lellel: eh di sumama kay egezspigiegel!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BEST! Cheered me up like shizz!
Answering back to your form teacher: drop in conduct
Not attending supplementary lessons: drop in academic grade AND possibly detention
Going home straight after school: not being able to go out with arlyn
Getting this story: PRICELESS.
To the people who asked how I was after school, be it by text, call or a poke followed by 'SMILE LA!':
thank you(: your concern means a lot, and sorry if I worried you guys or anything. I'm fine. Really. (: I wasn't even angry, I just needed to slack. Haha. Thanks thanks thanks so much. Love you guys many many! :D You know who you are(:
- from Stalin, with love.
Love is when they'd ask you to wait for them so you could go home together, but ends up going off first and leaving you behind.
You wouldn't mind, but be happy they got home earlier instead.Okay, enough of this crappy bullshit.
Four-two! Four-twooooo all the way! :D omgosh, I totally do not regret skipping shopping to come for the sports day heats yesterday! Screaming, ehem I mean cheering, beats retail theraphy. HANDS DOWN. I didn't participate in any event, so I'll make cheering my sport. WHOOOOOO! :DDD speaking of sports, HAHA, our class' frisbee team won every match they played and the 8x50 relay team won 3rd place. I still refuse to believe that Saddam tied 3rd place with Mr. Tan, but whatever. omgosh, can't wait for the actual sports day next wednesday!
In other news, things are finally back to normal(: not normal, how-I-wanted-it-to-be-normal, but I'll take whatever I can(: praise the Lord! This is seriously awesome and I totally feel like a burden has been thrown off. Hahaha. I guess I shall stop elaborating.

You would not believe your eyes if ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep.
- from Stalin, with love.
It's Thursday, march 4th 2010, 1:56pm and I am on my way home. "WHAAAAT?!?". Sorry, I could just totally hear sxephil saying that. Anyway, it's supposedly my 30minute-break before a maths supplementary lessons, but I am on my way home. Something happened during the e maths lessons that pissed me off to shizz, wait, make that pissed me off to fuck... Off! HAHAHAHA. sorry, that sounded funnier in my head(: nah, I'm not really pissed. I'm more disappointed. At what? You'll never know. Anyway, I've tried exeptionally hard not to play the 'brother is mentally retarded' card, but oh well. It's bound to happen sooner or later. So yeah, can't bear to be stuck in a room learning about logarithms when.. Sigh.. I'm commiting a crime that would cause me to constantly sacrifice a lamb every second. If it doesn't make sense to you, don't bother asking. In other news..

Hope you all have a wonderful, awesome, blessed day!
- from Stalin, with love.