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Trial. Hmmm. Lalala~

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
gah, it's like midnight and i'm still online. gah. since this computer is horribly slow, it's such a chore to turn it on and wait for it to boot and everything. yet, i'm still online. -.- stupid idiot asked me to come online, then ditched me. ass.
hmm. last week's been pretty hectic. a lot of things happened, that i'm not really proud of. for an hour or two, yeah, i guess i did seem proud of it, but nah. i shouldn't be. and yes, i should probably shut up about it now. hahaha. now the thing i'm stressing most about these days is camp. ahh. why do i have to be games i/c. -.- a bit sian uh. we've still got a lot of games to plan, plus need to organize recky, plus need to work with publicity on name tags and name cards. bleurgh. can uh, but hahaha. doesn't seem very exciting right now. anyway, for anyone who's interested..
*insert green cascading codes of binary numbers here*
when: 13-16th december 2009
where: sembawang bb campsite
why: well, WHY NOT! :D
awesome games, awesome food, awesome speaker, awesome camp tee, awesome God!
it's your destiny to be here
i'm serious, it's gonna be super damn awesome. contact me (96576143) if you're interested in going.
besides youth camp, nothing much has really been going on. i probably should start doing school stuff now, but a bit sian ah. okayokay, cyberpeople? i promise to do school work if there's no one free to discuss games with me, okay? you guys shall be witness. hehehe. (: [GAMES COMM, BETTER SHOW UP IN MEETINGS OR ELSE...]
ahhhhhhhhhh. i'm so bored. i probably should get some sleep now. been sleeping at like 4am+ lately. people have been calling me jill. and a cheerleader. and sarah, but i brought that upon myself. -.- anyway, yeah. sleep. HAHA. goodnight (:
The Ugly Truth
hello cyberdom,gah. i should really stop opening up my posts with that line. it sounds so hilary duff, i'm gonna go sob and crash on my bed now. ehem. anyway, exams are over (in case you haven't noticed) and i am so not slacking. okay, fine. i pretty much skipped more than half of my extra classes, but screw that. i did it for a good cause! my eyebags need my help ):
stuff on this holiday:
- homework (duh)
- study (ugh)
- planning for youth camp
- youth camp
- actual holiday
- stuffffffff
hmm, i'm having writer's block ): The Ugly Truth is distracting me. haha. speaking of distracting, i've been watching movies since school ended. saw II-V. echelon conspiracy. jennifer's body. my sister's keeper. love happens. cloudy with a chance of meatballs. the covenant. omg, i should totally take literature. our school sucks, why don't they offer lit. ):
these movies are frikkin awesome! i'm addicted. hehe. the storyline's absolutely sick and twisted and perfect! and i love how jigsaw's games of like, how teaching them life stuff actually make sense. people who don't appreciate life, shouldn't deserve to have it. thank God we have an awesome God, aye? :D the visuals for the movies were awesome too, especially saw IV, when they were doing an autopsy on jigsaw. saw V was a bit sucky though. the blood squirting looked horribly fake. what happened to the saw i once knew and loved. ): but whatever. all the movies were still absolutely awesome. love the gore! hate the doll. love every twist in the storyline. kind of dislike that they all die. i mean, i like to watch them suffer, but it's frustrating cos none of them learn anything. i probably wouldn't either if i just forced my hand through a motored saw to bleed a certain amount of blood so a door would open so i wouldn't get crushed to death by the walls. yeap, awesome movie. (:
eagle eye rip-off. the visuals not bad. i love the phone! it looks so awesome. haha. the plot wasn't that good though. there were too many unanswered questions throughout the movie, and it wasn't just cos i was messaging and chatting with someone. hehe. but still, it seemed too much like a cheapo eagle eye ripoff.
i have waited for this movie the second i saw the trailer. i was like, "omg i don't care if this is horror, I AM GONNA WATCH THIS" and i was super dee duper excited. there's only one huge problem. i actually watched it. HAHA. this one like, one of the suckiest movies on my list. i like the cast. i like the idea of the movie, but i didn't like how they act. i didn't like the visuals. the storyline, though not cliche and not as predictable as other movies, lacked substance. like... i don't know how else to say it, but yeah. hahaha. if you don't look too deep into movies and you don't mind gore, this could actually be a bit entertaining, but nah. not my type.
this movie is absolutely heart-wrenching. okay, so i'm usually a crier in movies, but this has seriously touched my heart. it's incredibly sad, yet.. i can't think of a word to explain it, but it's a pretty good movie. i have never read the book (by jodi picoult, if you guys didn't know), so i have no idea how different it is from the movie, but forgetting that fact, i think that the cast did a really great job. the scene when cameron shaved her head had my jaw down for almost three minutes. what i really liked about this movie is that they didn't have background music for most of the scenes, especially at the parts where you would expect them to. unlike other movies, they didn't need depressing songs to make the audience feel sad or however they wanted the audience to feel during a scene and i think that's really impressing. overall, i think it's an awesome movie. it may seem like a draggy tearjerker, but i think it's worth the butt-numbing seat. hehe
i love love love jennifer aniston, but i don't think that this is one of her best movies. the movie's not bad, but i think i spent more time trying to find a more comfortable way to sit than actually paying attention to what's happening (gettit? gettit? ;D). the story, though not your usual chick flick, still seems cliche. plus the totally random writings on the wall were never explained. i think the movie lacked plot, but overall, it isn't bad. still worth the student deal you get at cathay ;)
this is one of the awesomest animated movies i've watched, and trust me, i've watched A LOT. the visuals (in non-3D) was absolutely awesome, especially in the jello palace scene. the storyline, though totally ridiculous, was actually pretty good and it made sense. plus it wasn't predictable or cliched, which is hard to find in animated films these days. the characters are such characters. like, they all have their own awesomeness and when i finished watching this movie, me and my friends were already using lines and quotes. this film is an absolute must-watch. it's hilarious, visuals are stunning, plus it's raining food! how awesome is that! ;)
this movie, though sick and just plain wrong in some parts, isn't as ugly as it's name. the storyline's a bit predictable and there are quite a lot of cliche parts, but how the idea of a show like ugly truth is quite good. i absolutely love gerard butler's character. the sex & lust know-it-all who does actually know it all. he's very alive, very exciting and just damn entertaining. it's pretty much a normal no-brains chick flick, but it's pretty entertaining. (:
thank you, lellel and trudy for forcing me to watch this movie. steven strait is hot. hot. hot. period.
my hopes are high that your kiss might kill me, so won't you kill me. so i die happy
heyyeah, i know i haven't blogged for ages, but whatever. comeback blogskin, baby!
well i've been pretty busy lately. i've got TONNES of stuff to blog about, but the the second i see this blank white screen, the thoughts leave me. oh whatever.
who are you
I never meant the things I saidTo make you cry
Can I say I'm sorry
It's hard to forget
And yes I regret
All these mistakes
I don't know why you're leaving Me
But I know you must have your reasons
There's tears in your eyes
I watch as you cry
But it's getting late
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
When I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
Guess I'll never know
Remember when we scratched our names into the sand
And told me you loved me
But now that I find
That you've changed your mind
I'm lost for words
And everything I feel for you
I wrote down on one piece of paper
The one in your hand
You won't understand
How much it hurts to let you go
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
Guess I'll never know
All this time you've been telling me lies
Hidden in bags that are under your eyes
And when I asked you I knew I was right
But if you turn your back on me now
When I need you most
But you chose to let me down
Won't you think about what you're about to do to me
And back down...
Was I invading in on your secrets
Was I too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I wanted in
What was I just about to discover
I got too close for comfort
You're pushing me out
When I'm wanting in
(Yeah yeah yeah)
What was I just about to discover
When I got too close for comfort
Driving you home
I guess I'll never know...a