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don't have sex
cos you will get pregnant. and die.- mean girls
sorry. that was so uncalled for. i'm just trying to entertain myself. been frustrated and sick with stuff going on lately.
aiya. i'll post something again later if things somehow get any better.
i just downloaded some of their songs, and i have to say.. me likey! :D hahaha. credits to ben for introducing them to me. hahaha.if you were thinking that 'something' happened at the chalet and that's why my post title for it is 'rape', then you are wrong. hahaha. i named it 'rape' cos it has all the rape moments. :P i shall explain.
everytime someone says something errr inappropriate, i scream out 'ZOMG. you're molesting my mind!'. and trust me, i said that a lot, and i mean A LOT, of times during the chalet. hahaha. then i realized that, people has molested my mind so much that it can probably considered rape. LOLOLOL. yes that was so random. hahaha.
ohoh. i remembered, ben said something. then lava was like, omg, you molested my mind! then i was like, hey! that's my phrase! then she was like, okay fine. you raped my mind! then i was like, O.O then ben was like, yeah. and i didn't enjoy it. hahahaha! yes, that was even more random. oh wells. hahaha
you know, almost everyone who went to the chalet are having problems right now. like seriously. it's frikkin freaky. and everything's like happening all at the same time. everyone's so frustrated with everything. sighh..
dear daddy God. i lift up all my friends who are facing something bad right now and even those people who are sick. i pray that you would give us all strength to push through whatever we're facing right now and help us figure out what to do, Lord. i know that you are always there for us and i pray that you would just help us see the right thing and keep us faithful to word. i just pray that things would be better soon and that you would just bless all of us and keep us under your hedge of protection. i love you, Lord. in your most holy name i pray, AMEN.
yo! haha. i just came back from our inter-cell chalet like an hour ago. :) it wasn't bad, but it wasn't like the bomb or whatever. sorry. haha. i am such an embarassment as an organizer. :( oh wells. there's always next year. those who keep complaining, you organize lah! D:oh and prepare yourself for a long post cos everyone knows i blog in detail! ;)
first day:
i woke like 0930, then instead of preparing my things, i went to watch evan almighty with my mom and brother. i can't stop watching that movie, hahaha. i even cry you know! haha. yes i am a very weird person, but i'm sure everyone already knows that. haha. :D then rushed off to bathe and when i was almost done bathing, i hear this very high-pitch voice laughing and screaming 'liza!!!'. hahaha. then when i got out, i see chinyi, pam and denise. ZOMG. hahahaha.
so i fixed the rest of my stuff, said my goodbyes, and left carrying a hell load of stuff. we very macho okay. the guys are pretty much useless, except for techno guys. hahahaha. :D then met nathaniel, sarah and lava at cck bus interchange and took 188 to harbourfront and met the techno guys(ivan, gerald, clement and don) and samuel there. hahaha. :P then we all bought the rest of the stuff needed at the chalet and waited for ben, josh and joel.
when we were all there already, we went to buy lunch then tickets to go in sentosa. then got a bit lost looking for the chalet, but *dun-dun-dun* we found it! :D so slacked outside while waiting for chinyi's parents to come and check-in for us. then when we finally checked-in we found out that one of the rooms was super small and the other one was the okay big! haha. so the small one was the girls' room, and the big one the guys' since there is more guys than girls, but it didn't really matter. haha. you'll find out why later. hahaha
the guys went swimming after getting cozy in 'their' room. then i was like, sitting on the edge of the pool, then joel pushed me in! ZOMG. good thing i didn't have my phone with me that time. or else you'll be dead right now. :) so ended up swimming with my class tee and shorts on and tried getting other people to go in with me, but then i got scolded for going in without proper swimimng attire. -.- i blame joel!!
after that, just kept sitting at the side watching them all swim and listen to the girls' endless talk about abs and six-packs. ai ya. -.- then i got pushed in again. and again. and again. i give credits to nathaniel and ben. thanks for almost breaking my foot. ==! then denise kept asking me to go in and piggyback her, so i did, then i got scolded again. -.- i blame denise this time!!
then janeen came with her friends. haha. when all her friends left, we all carried janeen and slowly let her down in the pool. which i think isn't fair! plus she didn't get scolded by the old dude! D: oh wells. hahaha.
then we moved to the beach and i was just lying there on the sand listening to my iPod. stayed there for dunno-how-long. haha. it was just so relaxing, except for the part where sand keeps getting in my eyes. :( tried borrowing people's shades but they won't lend me. :( i got chinyi to lend me, but it was pretty useless. hehe. :P then i dunno why, they all suddenly talked about oral sex! ZOMG. then sarah, being so pure and innocent, didn't know what it is. then nat explained it like, chimchimly. then janeen explained it like, ZOMG. something about sausages. i shall not explain any further. HAHAHA
went back to the pool and swam again. this time i wore janeen's spag-strap shirt and she wore her tankini. HAHAHAHA. i've never been so amazed. i can wear her shirt! hahaha. :P so i didn't get scolded that time. hehe.
after swimming, we all bathed and crammed in the girls room. and played spin the bottle. i shall say the dares that i remember. wahahahaha. janeen was made to seduce me (==!), nathaniel to have a 1-minute conversation with janeen about bras, sarah sing womanizer to clement, chinyi ask josh whether her ass is cute, ben mah sexy dance 'touch my body' to denise. ZOMG. FTW. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. they were playing the song, then nat was like '4! 3! 2! 1!' then ben sexy-walked then everyone in the room were screaming! HAHAHAHA. that was so epic, someone should've taken a video. hahaha. ZOMG. you guys have totally molested my mind. haha.
then me and ben were leaning on each other back to back, then he purposely push me back then i just happened to look up, then we hit each others heads. DAMN PAIN I TELL YOU. got the loud sound some more. ouch. haha. then when we got bored with spin the bottle we all squeezed on the bed in dominoes position while watchin csi (that's how you spell boring. C.S.I. :D). ben and nicolle lying on me, then i was lying on samuel, then samuel was lying on nathaniel. ZOMG. my legs and head damn pain! legs cos ben kept moving his head and his hair is so errr. spiky(?) that it tickles. LOLOLOL. then head pain, cos samuel kept moving. ZOMG. -.- then we changed position, i lie on ben he keep complaining then tickle me then i scream then i get scolded by sarah. ==!
after that, we were all freaking bored so we all went outside to stone. haha. i used the internet kiosk for a while then went back to stoning. then ps nick came! hahaha. he's like a wise old person. ZOMG. u know when i typed out wise, it came out as wild. how appropriate! hahaha. then we all stayed in the girls room to chit-chat. then sleepy time! hahaha. you know, when it comes to sleeping habits, i thought that i've seen it all 'till that day when i saw ivan pick up the bag of charcoal, bring it outside, lie down on the bag of charcoal, and slept.... ZOHEMFRIKKINGEE. i damn pity him sia, but oh wells. he dowan to listen to us. haha. i was sleeping next to janeen on the bed (there were like 4 or 5 of us on the bed. i can't really remember) i think janeen was using me as a bolster. can't really remember either. hahahaha.
second day:
i woke up when janeen woke up i think. then everyone started waking up. and techno. it all makes perfect sense. hahahaha. when i lack sleep, i'll be hyper for like, an hour then i'll just drop down 'till cannot explain. hahahaha. so hyper-me got up and out and went to the beach to camwhore with the girls and just slack. then energy drain already. i was freaking tired and was leaning on nathaniel, but he kept moving so i went back to the chalet to sleep.
then went for a swim in the pool again. blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah.
then lunch. we were supposed to order mac, but then they won't deliver in sentosa, so they all decided to rent bikes and go subway instead. i asked ben to help me buy food. while me, nicolle and don stayed back to slack in the room. i had a super nice sleep from 11am - around 2pm then someone went in. ==! at least there was food. hahaha. haven't had any meals since the first day at all okay. go and read, i never mentioned anything food at all! hahaha. it took me quite a while to find out why i had gastric. hahaha.
then slacked in the room smsing mummeh(!) when this guy came in and keep poking people to go swim with him. -.- do i look like a swimmer?!? no. i don't think so. :) hahaha. so sms sms. happy happy. then go out by the pool and eat subway! :D
then after like, an hour or something, they rest comes back from cycling, then gerald gets gastric pains plus a pulled hamstring i think. ouch. then they helped up on the bed on the guys' room. then i was like, have you had lunch? then gerald was like, no. but i've had 2 bottles of coke. then i was like ==!!! -.- oh i wonder why you have gastric my dear. hahahahaha. ZOMG. at least when i had gastric the first day, i didn't drink carbonated stuff okay. :D
i bathed then wanted to sleep in the boys room. so i went in and just relaxed on the bed listening to music when the guys (josh and disciples) went in and tried kicking me out. -.- i didn't want to go to the girls' room cos its super small plus stuffy with all the bags in. plus we didn't have the electricity card thing. so i stayed there and they kept irritating me. -.- josh was making me go out of their room by telling me that they're gonna walk around naked. ==! puhlease lah, ya'll wouldn't even think about showering together. -.- then shower with door open. then say what thing about condoms. hahahaha. don't ask me why i remember this kind of things!! cos i dunno either! haha. then one time he was like, oh i know what's gonna make liza go out. then i was like, hmmmm? then josh, you know gerald. after he cycle being all sweaty and stuff then he couldn't get-up so they put him on the very bed that you're lying on. then i thinkthinkthink. then i was like, i'm too tired to care. then he was like, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! then he went to bathe. haha. I WIN. :D
BBQ! hahahaha. i helped by keeping everyone's things. :) during the bbq josh continued to irritate me. -.- i kept smacking him cos he won't shut up! then he says i punch hard. considering this is josh j we're talking about, i have no idea whether that's purely sarcasm or not. then i smacked/punch him right, he was like, i can take a hint, she likes me. ZOHEMGEE. MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH HIM MORE. ZOMG. i cannot explain how disgusted i feel. oh wells.. haha. the guys were like drunk that night. ey! ya'll go buy beer(or whatever) then drink get drunk, never invite me!!! NOT FAIR LAH EY! D:< i am appalled that you would do something like that! hahahaha. i dunno. i just wanted an excuse to say appalled. :D then josh was like, what is otah? then ben was like, fish dick. -.- then they all made an 'otah plantation' by burning stuff. ZOMG. i'll never look at josh the same way ever again.
ehem. anyway. after bbq, i bathed cos chester wouldn't let us lie down on the bed. :( so yep. bathed. then stayed in the guys room to play psp. then after the guys completed their mission of dunking nicolle in the pool, they went to disturb me in the room again. -.- i live a very miserable life i tell you. :( i was lying on the bed listening to music, then i felt someone sit on me, then bounce (ULTIMATE ==!). at first i thought it was either chinyi or pamela, but then got no high-pitch voice. so i checked who was it, then... -.- AI YA. i won't even say who it was, but from reading the stuff i wrote earlier, i'm guessing you already know who he is. hahaha
then josh was like, you know liza. you can be in the boys club. you play psp, you listen to an iPod, you don't want to go to the girls' room, you don't care about sweaty beds, and you punch people. then i was like... O.O okaaaayy. pamela-syndrome much? hahahaha.
then we played bluff in the girls room with nicolle, sarah, chinyi, julia, josh, nathaniel, daniel and joel. haha. nicolle play bluff so cute. when she don't have, she wouldn't bother bluffing, she'll just take the cards. hahaha. then josh was once again being irritating. ugh. then everyone like, wanted to smack him already. then he was like, woah. so many girls want to smack me. ULTIMATE -.- hahaha. then after playing bluff, someone suggested spin the bottle, but then the guys didn't want so it's sleepy-sleepy time. the guys were like, already talking crap, so it's a good thing that they all actually decided to sleep. haha. they keep saying something about fire and firestarters! come on josh. it started with walking around naked, then something about condoms, then 'fire/fire starters'?!? tsktsk.
okay, so i went in the guys room and they were all already sleeping. -.- i tried squeezing myself in the bed between chester and clement (I ORIGINALLY CHOPPE THAT SPACE ALREADY OKAY!!) but then cannot sleep. clement kicked my face! :( i am amazed by how a super small skinny boy can occupy so much space. hahaha. so i give up lah, confirm cannot sleep there. i went outside with lava instead. haha. we knocked on the guys room, but josh wouldn't wake up. -.- so me and lava were like stuck outside lah, got no where else to sleep. thank goodness i brought my blanket to the chalet! haha.
third day:
so lava slept outside while i stoned listening to music and playing tetris on my phone. tetris is cool okay. i can reach level 12 now. YAY ME. :D and it's like quite addictive. haha. then got eaten alive by mosquitoes. i had more than 12 bites lah. :( and i couldn't sleep.
like around 6 am, i still wasn't sleeping. lava asked me to go in the boys room with her, so i did. tried sleeping sitting down ont he floor, but i couldn't. then chester woke up and got off the bed, so i chionged for the space. haha. then pam got up and help me move clement before he started kicking me again. haha. so i fell asleep at like 7am then the guys all started coming in the room and pam was waking me up at around 9.30 to pack my things.
packpackpack. brush teeth and wash up and change.
took bus 188 to tradehub and just slacked and tried to sleep there for a while. then me, lava, sarah and chinyi went to imm to buy lunch. i bought a mega macspicy! hahaha. so we went back to church and ate lunch. i couldn't finish my food, so i gave half to pam. it was damn hard to eat i tell you. haha. after that, just slacked in the youth lounge and i slept blocking the path between the pool table and the wall. hahaha. then the guys were playing pool.
then i woke up after a while then went to go find denise. then i saw her talking to ps nick, then i remembered i was gonna ask ps nick to pray for something. then i went to him, i was like, ps nick can you help me pray for something. then he was like, what? then i was like, my uncle's in the hospital. then denise showed me a message and was like, is this your uncle? then i was like, yeah. then ps nick was like, oh. he went with the Lord already. i just got the message recently. then i was like, ._. seriously. that was just how i reacted. then after a few minutes i was like, seriously? then he was like, yeah. then i lied on the chairs at the youth hall.
almost an hour later, ps nick told us that we should probably go home already. so me and pam took our stuff and went down the lift. we were like halfway to the bus stop when we both went teary again, so we went back to let everything out. hahaha. we went back cos later we cry in the bus, people would think we're both siao. hahaha. so stayed there for a while. ivan was playing hillsong on the dvd, then he was scrolling through the videos, then ps nick made him stop at this one song, then me and pam started crying again! hahahaha! it was quite funny now that i think of it. :P then i was like, oi! you see people crying, play sad song some more arh?! hahaha. then ivan was like, nick say one! hahaha. then he changed. :)
after letting everything out already, me and pam went to take bus 188 home. talktalktalk about things during the trip. then reached home. lied on my bed. rested. ate dinner then used the computer.
well that was fun. not to mention insanely long
i survived 3day-2night chalet with only 7hours of sleep in total, WITHOUT COFFEE. TAKE THAT SUCKAS.
grace, you're an anorexic pooh bear
who ate salmon at my house! who would have guessed! haha. okok. i've calmed down a bi, thanks to my wonderful friends who said nothing, but 'chillax, at least you're better than me'. ok, so that didn't really help. i mean i love you! LOL. haha. kidding kidding. haha. thanks to ya'll wonderful people who once again became the dr. phil's to my life and calmed me down. i knew ya'll wanted credit. hahaha.
so yeah. this was so plugged out of grace's blog, but oh wells. :D
we got in the finals, baby! and badabing-badam-badaboom, in the name of God, we will not screw up!! God is good! amen? LEMMIE HERE AN AMEN!!dear daddy God, i know that you make everything happen for a reason. i know that you have a purpose in our life. and this thing, didn't just happen cos oh, you were bored and you thought i had to go out more. we know that there's a reason why we screwed up the auditions too. maybe it's to teach us that we really shouldn't procrastinate (we only had like 2 practice sessions) and we really should prepare more and give all our heart into whatever we do. Lord,
22nd nov 08 (saturday) 7.30pm
@ Renewal Centre
88 St francis Rd (opp. blk 20. st Georges Rd.)
we've got like, 80 tickets (O.O) so if you wanna come, please email or add me or grace on msn by saturday morning. :D - Grace (obviously) - ME! (obviously!!)
okay. we know, we know. our email adds are the bomb! its super duper cool okay.
if you guys wanna find out more about Destiny Music Awards:
support team lizza and Grace!
-or i'll burn your house down and eat your babies for breakfast
i love you all.
pero whatever happens.... manalo, matalo, cute parin ako! :D
i look out ta window and i seegloomy grey clouds staring right back at me
oh wait. oh wait. oh wait.
what happened to my faith
i used to be like, so holy
but now my heart has gone so holey
oh no. oh no. oh no.
where do i go
and i love you Lord, and i want you back
my world has gone wrong, please change it back
you're the only one who can help me
oh Lord God Lord please God change me
i need a change, i want a 180-
spin in my life, oh Lord please help me
i want you back oh.
oh woah.
i need a change, i want a 180-
spin in my life, oh Lord please help me
i want you back oh.
oh woah.
i'm not usually a one for rhymes, but they say keywords what. so like, whatever. :)
Chinyi: you know last time, my friend saw joash naked.Me: O.O HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Haha. I told you I was gonna post it if I remembered! And woohoo, I did! LOL haha. I might continue this post when over on my comp. I'm still on the bed resting cos I'm seriously frikkin tired. Byeeeee
yo. ok so i'm finally on my comp after restart like, 5 times. -.-
i am too shocked to blog anything about today.
all ur base is belong to me
rule #1. write 10 wierd things/ facts / habits about yourselfrule #2. those that get tagged must do it too
rule #3. you need to choose 10 people
rule #4. no tag back :D
1. all i want for christmas is sleeping pills. nah, i'm kidding. i want a lot of things for christmas! wishlist right up there! ^^ haha. but if you really dunno what to get me for christmas (yes, you have to get me something! :D) get me sleeping pills (yes, i'm serious), or my baby (ben's cap). whatever works. :)
2. i've always had a motto when it comes to dressing up. 'when in doubt, wear your brother's shirt' (or shoes, if they fit). i wore my brother's shirt, which has a cool cereal advertisement thingie, and skater shoes today! YAY. ok, originally, i was gonna wear my 'kiss me' shirt cos i haven't worn that in a long time, then i remembered janeen, then i was like, OH OK NVM. :D
3. i can't ride a bike. the saying 'it's like riding a bicycle, you never forget' it's freaking wrong! cos you know what? i used to be able to ride a bike! STUPID FREAKING SAYING. oh well, i never really liked bikes anyway. i dunno why, but i always find them weird. LOL.
4. i can't fold my shirts properly. O.O ok fine i can lah, but i take super slow, so i don't even bother folding properly. well i never fold my shirt anyways, cos whenever i do, my mom will whack the living crap outta me (nah, not really) and refold everything again cos she says my 'folding skills' are an embarassment. -.- even ben mah and
5. i'm a gamer! :D n00bz, i pwn you. all your base are belong to us! HAH!. hahahahaha. okok. i think i've played quite a lot of video/com games. i'll just type out whatever i remembere. starcraft, world of warcraft, counter strike, resident evil 4, ragnarok, maplestory, audition, age of empires, command and conquer, red alert, diablo, grand theft auto, tekken, street fighter, djmax, the sims, crash, mario, wario, pokemon, digimon and stuff like that on gameboys. LOL. wow that's a lot of games. haha. oh and there's this one game that i really really loved! i forgot what was the title though. all i remember is that you're this wizard or swordsman or whoever you wanna be, then you go around and do stuff (duh) and i can't really remember much, but like you fight monsters and goblins and vampire bats and eat apples. LOL. if it sounds familiar and you think you know the game, please tell me yea? cos i wanna play that game again! hahaha. :P
6. i used to be in dance. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. okay, are you done laughing? i was stupid back then okay. i was what, like, 8? 10? horrible. and shut up, mildred, those were horrible years of pain and misery. no wonder i turned out like this. prolly all traumatized.
7. i can't be seen without my phone. ever since i've gotten my... errr.. fourth phone(?), i always keep my phone with me at all times. i lost my first two phones, i remember spoiling the first one cos i tried snapping out and changing the casing. the second one, they made me give it to a cousin cos she needed it more than me, well i was what like, 8 years old anyway, so i didn't really needed it much. then the third one, i lost at an arcade-cum-amusement park cos i put it in the pocket of my bagpack. like you know a dickies bag? they always have the pocket in front? i put my phone there cos i was playing arcade games then when i was in the car, i was gonna sms someone then i found out that someone stole my phone. :'( so from then on, i always keep my phone with me safely in my pocket or purse. :D oh and this is like, my 8th phone. HAHA. i either spoil my phone, or just wanted to keep changing phones. hahahaha. :P
8. i get pissed off with the simplest of things. list of things that piss me off. people copying my style (what i say and things i have and stuff like that), people who keep pestering me to tell things that i either don't want to say or not allowed to say, keep bugging me about things i do (yes i mean the saturday incident).. got tonnes more, but i'm too lazy to think. LOL
9. i have this thing, like i say 'ZOMG i'm so frigging sleepy'. that means two things, either you're boring to be with or i'm sleepy. LOL. just kidding. i'm nocturnal (well during the holidays). haha. i sleep at 4 or 5am and wake up at around 2 or 3pm. how i can do this? i dunno. God is good. why does that sentence make sense? go read mere christianity. YAY ME. haha.
10. IT'S MORPHIN' TIME! *dun-dun-dun* go go power rangers! :D hahahahahaha. i've always loved power rangers! i've always wanted to be the red one! i know that's a guy, but i don't care.... okay. that was so stolen from selena gomez' youtube video, but i just happen to feel the same way. haha. ok, so i've always loved cartoons and kiddy shows. now another list (haha!) of shows that i used to love and still love (LOL). mighty morphin power rangers! spd or whatever crap they have no sucks so bad. teenage mutant ninja turtles. teletubbies. voltesfive. pokemon. digimon. winnie the pooh. ok. that was a pretty short list. haha! but i still watch other cartoon stuff on tv. :P
people i tag:
waitwaitwait! LIZA SAID WHUT?!?i've finally been out today! YAY ME. haha. i haven't been out in ages, so i was pretty hyper in cell today. ZOMG. i remember back then like last year or something, i was super quiet at cell that i don't talk! LOL. yes, that happened, not obvious now, but that happened. haha.
so i left my place like early, YAY ME. then when i was at choa chu kang, saw pamela, so we went to clementi together. haha. she's like super early for her cell. then at clementi saw mah brothers, but they didn't see us. met up with ace then we went to cell together. haha. chinyi came to our cell! :D ezra was so blur today. nick kept irritating people. amy kept saying random things about madagascar "i don't even know if i'm white with black stripes or black with white stripes!" hahahaha. ben kept stealing my iPod. -.- denise called and smsed everyone. hahahaha. i've got nothing much to say about cell today. haha. :P
i don't really know when your birthdays are so i just mass greet. LOL. :P
after cell, went to dinner with cell. ok, me and chinyi didn't have dinner with them lah (no, not cos i was on a diet, joel. HAH. ya think i didn't hear that ey?. LOL) cos i had dinner at home. :) i just had too much time to waste. YAY ME. oh oh, after cell right, the lift overload cos there were too many people on it, and whenever the lift stops, it won't go down anymore. so me, chinyi, denise and lava took the stairs down instead. from the 15th floor eh! wah. then the rest never even wait for us downstairs. -.- plus my hand got dirty cos their stairs holder thing is FILTHY. -.- so after catching up with them, i kept asking people for tissue to clean my hand, but no one has. then we went to buy bubble tea, hoping that the condensation might work to clean it off, but it only made things worse.
then we were at like macdonalds at clementi, then this guy was suddenly went pass me, wah piang ah. say some dunno what thing, in some dunno what language, then josh and joel suddenly kept laughing. i was just like, wtf? then i went away looking for tissue, cos i really really needed it. then went back to the guys, then went to josh and was like, 'what the fuck did that dude say?', then he just kept laughing and say he dunno, but it sounded funny. he said something more, but i am not gonna write that here! D:< then joel said he said 'lan cheow' or something, then i was like, say whut? then denise said it's the guy's thing. then i was just like, 'say to me for what? he dun have that thing izzit?' -.- puta, ano gusto mo? away gulo? 'lam ko, sige na. ganda ko na, pero sa harana mo lang ako makukuha, hindi sa 'lan cheow' dunno what basura babeh! YAY ME :D and yay lellel for the only one who can understand! HAHA.
so after that fiasco, we went to kfc. i finally got to wash my hands! YAY ME. then just went to hang there, me and chinyi weren't eating so we just muched of annabel and ace's fries. haha. we love you! :D then just hang around there for like ages! haha. me, chinyi and ace were like, planning to do something, but kept failing. aiyah. :( then denise and ezra were leaving, then me being the random person i am, i was like, 'oh denise and ezra are both wearing jackets!'. yes, i am captain obvious. then denise thought i was saying something about her and ezra like being together or something, then when she went out... okay. i'm too lazy to explain this part. a lot of people probably already knew since josh kept telling it to everyone (even yanling!!), so you probably already know about it, unless you're from school or something. haha.
so after that, just went home. eat dinner. waiting for my ipod to finally finish charging. gah. i think i'm gonna TRY to come to church early tomorrow to watch and support dfc. YAY ME. :) they're performing again tomorrow. first youth service. YAYS! haha. so hopefully i get to wake up early. haha. and good luck dfc! :)
oh and i just realized i said 'YAY ME' in all the paragraphs.. so YAY ME. :D
half-life 2 for christmas plz
aiyoh, chinyi. i already finished the quizzes and i'm too lazy to do again. hahaha. :P and no my dear, you are not blur. ILY. :] haha.ok. since i've had totally no life this week whatsoever. just been staying at home existing. sad ain't it? oh well saturday's coming! :D :D :D i'll prolly be out everyday next week too. then the week after that, CHALET! woots! ok dudes, we still haven't paid chinyi's mum yet. -.- okok. LAPD almost all cleared except for lava and 10 bucks from joel i think. haha. SARAH, you're supposed to help us calculate money for food. if you dodn't get it done, i pretty much don't care cos it's the guys' problem. :D
i want half-life 2 plz. anyone who has the cd/program, lend me plz? dang. i'm getting addicted to gun games and i haven't even started playing yet. D: well i have played half-life like a trillion years ago back when we still had a net cafe, and whenever there weren't any customers, i'd play half-life. :) oooh oooh. i remember, every sunday me and my cousins would play starcraft! hahahaha. that game is so old! ZOMG.
i have got nothing else to talk about. oh well, i'm gonna go email people about the video now. :)
victor could
I could
Rush out the door get in the car
And drive to you
I really would
Grab all my change and hail a cab
And soon i'd be there
But you won't care
Try as I may but I can't do a thing
Cause I don't mean a thing to you
I should
Pick up the phone recite your
Number in my head
Make sure the line ain't dead
But I pause
To think of words that I would say to you
So you'd love me to
But you won't care
Try as I may but I can't do a thing
Cause I dont mean a thing to you
I wish
Someday you'd realize
The way I look into your eyes
And really think
Of possibilities
And probabilities
That maybe someday you would care
I'd give my all and I would do the things
That would mean everything to you
Yo. HahaI have come to the conclusion that I no longer really really dislike the jonas brothers. They are ok now. LOL. major change of mind there, Liza! Haha. Cos I'm on team selena, and you have to be on team jonas if you're in team selena. Hahaha. And ohohoh. I listen to their songs when I'm *dun-dun-dun* emo!! LOLOL. why you ask? Cos they're so EMO. EMO-MAZING!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nah, that was just an excuse to say emo-mazing. :D
Anyhoo, hmmm.. Nothing much been happening. Been stuck at home doing nothing. D: ok now I'm just watching wizards of waverly place. Lalalala~ they have no new episodes. :( I think I'm gonna go watch hooking up on YouTube instead. Byeeeeeee
installing love

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install Love. Can you guide me through the process?
Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?
Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I do first?
Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your Heart?
Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they are running?
Tech Support: What programs are running ?
Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.
Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love from being properly installed. Can you turn those off ?
Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?
Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.
Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?
Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.
Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error - Program not run on external components." What should I do?
Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.

Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.
Customer: Okay, done.
Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.
Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?
Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running. One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.
Customer: Thank you, God.
i got this from eejay's blog. who he is figure out for yourself. :) but this really made my day. enjoy!
the day that i die
1) Do you always answer your phone?- yes, unless you call me when i'm sleeping.
2) Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
- Liza. gosh. i swear that girl never sleeps. [- lellel. LOL. YAY ME]
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
- i like my eyes, the way it is. :D
4) Do u Like Dr Pepper ?
- yes! :)
5)Do you own a digital camera?
- nope. i want a sony t2!
6)Have you ever had a pet fish?
- yes. they all died. yay me
7) Favorite Christmas song?
- last christmas
8) What's on your wish list for your bday?
- wishlist up there ^
9) Can you do push ups?
- yes! haha
10) Can you do a chin up?
- nope. D:
11)Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
- excited. haha. i like to see how it turns out.
12) Do you have any saved texts? Who are the senders?
- nope. haha
13) Ever been in a spore flyer?
- no, and i don't plan to.
14) Do you have an accent?
- haha. depends on who i'm talking to. :)
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
- tomorrow by avril lavigne
16) Plans tonight?
- spam call people.
17)Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
- hitting rock bottom is an understatement
18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
- yellow cardigan and lipgloss [hah! JANEEN] from cotton on. err. food from subway? haha
20) Current worry?
- that everything would spin too fast.
21) Current hate right now?
- blahblahblah. not saying. LOL
22) Met someone who changed your life?
- hi there Jesus. :)
23) How did you celebrated in the past New Year?
- stayed home. gone was the time when we each have our own bags of awesome fireworks and spending the whole night lighting up fireworks and bragging about how cool mine are. the closest thing we had here in singapore are those winebottle-shaped tiny things that when you pull off the string, there will be a loud pop and conffeti would fly out. booorring. [exactly what lellel said. :(]
24) What song represents you?
- victor could by parokya ni edgar
25) Name three people who might complete this?
- chinyi (definetely, haha), denise, nat? i dunno. haha
26) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
- ofcourse i would, but i doubt i'd like it.
27) Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
- HAHAHA (shut up, jap) :D
28) Do you have any tattoo/piercing?
- i have piercings and a tatoo on my heart that says 'Jesus
29) Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
- hmm.. guess. :D
30) Does anyone love you?
- i'm proud to say, hell yeah! [i'm with mummeh!]
31) Would you be a pirate?
- duh. pirates are cooler than ninjas! :D
32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
- any random song that pops up in my head. haha
33) Ever had someone sing to you?
- gitara and harana is the loves. weeehee!
34) When did you last cry?
- i have no frikkin idea.
35) What is in your pocket?
- i don't have a pocket
Do you like to cuddle?
- O.O
37) Have you held hands with anyone today?
- no.
38) Who was the last person you took a picture of?
40) How many TVs do you have in your house?
- 2.
41) Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
- some new some old. haha
42) Do you like pulpy orange juice?
- yes. :)
43) What is something your friends make fun of you for?
- my phrasing mistakes. ._.
45) Do you like to play Scrabble?
- yeah
46) What are you saving your money up for right now?
- shopping for clothes and stuff. and christmas gifts!
47) When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
- i do not like. :( so i don't know
48) What song do you want played at your funeral?
- the day i die by good charlotte. LOL
49) What were you doing 12 AM last night?
- sleeping. FOR ONCE. :DD
50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
- ZOMG. it's 3am?!?
Labels: quiz
ily :]
1. The person who tagged me is?CHINYI
2.Your relationship with them?
she's my thrippie/twinnie. :]
3.Your 5 impressions with them?
blurblur (LOL. ily!), funny, cute! (haha. like 5-yo kid!), friendly, dunno what else to say sia. funfun! haha
4.The most memorable thing she/he had for you for?
err. she gave me this duck thingie? LOL
5.If they becomes your lover, you will?
6.If he/she becomes your lover, things she/he has to improve on?
she has to be a guy. LOL
7.If he/she comes with your enemy, you will?
errr.. steal steal david! HAHA
8.What is it that you want to tell them now?
chinyiiiii.. chalet nearing already! :D :D
9.Your overall impression of them now?
funny!! haha :]
10.How do you think people around you will feel about you?
i dunno.. ask them :D [what chinyi said. haha]
11.The characters of yourself you love are?
hmmm. i'm like an air stewardess. i can smile, even if i want to rip you apart. :)
12.The most ideal person you want to be is?
haha. i'd say Jesus too! but a person on earth, eyyy.. KEVIN! LOL
13.For people that care and likes you say something to them.
ily :]
Pass this quiz to 10 people you wish to know how they feel about.
1. janeen
2. lellel
3. trudy
4. grace
5. lava
6. lisa
7. joey
8. julia
9. joanna
10. okay. i don't care if chinyi tagged u alrd. NAT. :D:D
14.Who's no.6 having relationship with?
err. i dunno. haha
15.If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
noooo. cos all my hardwork of matchmaking nat & samuel all go to waste. haha
16.What is no.2 studying about?
lellel studies?!? ZOMG :O
17.What was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
on the way home from bbq. :)
18.What kind of music does no.8 like?
err. i don't really know. haha
19.Does no.1 have any silblings?
yes! her sis who looks just like her. haha
20.will you woo no.3?
21.How about no. 7?
22.Is no.4 single?
i dunno?
23.What is the surname of no.5
ZOMG. i dunno. S:
24.What is a hobby of no.10?
irritating people. -.-
25.Do no.5 and no.9 get along well?
they dunno each other dude..
26.Where is no.2 studyin at?
clementi woods secondary school!
27.where does no.9 lives?
philippines? LOL
28.What colour does no.4 like?
29.What is no.10 doing now?
somewhere at malaysia. prolly shopping for gifts for his beloved friends back here in singapore. ;)
Labels: quiz
yoyo. yes, i said it twice, ya got a problem with that?ZOMG. TEAM DEMI & SELENA. <3
and cos i'm on team selena, i have to be on team jonas too. okay, i'm like starting to listen to their songs. i still don't like, but after a while, it doesn't really seem that bad. haha. ZOMG. what have i just said?!?
in other news. i have no idea. that took me dunno how many minutes to figure out. LOL. I BOUGHT THEY YELLOW CARDI FROM COTTON ON AND I LOVE IT. :D i wore it like, on the same day i bought it. HAHAHAHA. thr's like a thingie on the back and 2 pen stains on it already. :( hopefully i can get it off.
adriel was so cute today! i just want to punch him. hahahaha. he was
shut up, i'm sleep deprived, what can i say?
oh comeo on, 'sleep deprived' sounds so taboo and it's all his fault. dang. stop dirtying the name. sheesh.
gimmie 5, my brother!
hahahahahahahaha. had a hackin awesome time i can't even put it out in words, but i shall try my best. HAHAcaution: long post ahead. i think. LOL. i'll try not to fall asleep. haha.
I LOVE YA MORE THAN YOU LOVE EDWARD, you just don't know it. ;)
hope you liked you're prezzie! i worked hard on that! HAHA
haha. okay, so i woke up at like, 10.30am, then i got a call from her. i thought i was meeting her at tampines at 1pm, but i forgot that it was supposed to be 12.30pm. LOL. so after the call, i slept for another 15mins (hehe) then rushed showering and dressing up. good thing i fixed my stuff last night. haha. then i rushed off to cck mrt station. took the mrt to jurong. then all the way to tampines. aww man, the people who are in charge of making the trains, please do not, i repeat, DO NOT make the sides of the seats clear glass. why? cos when people want to sleep and lean on the glass, they see butts. horrible butts. i so really wanted to sleep on the train (had to sit there for like an hour plus!!), but then i couldn't cos there was an old guy leaning to the side, so if i leaned, it'll look like i'm leaning on the dude's butt, and in case you didn't notice, it's kind of disturbing. gah. why am i talking about some old dude's butt?!? O.O anyway, thank goodness i was smsing gerald that time, so i didn't fall asleep. haha. but then i kept complaining to him that i'm sleepy. LOL
so i reached tampines around like 12.30 or something. then i bought food, cos i haven't eaten anything since like 6pm the night before and i slept at like, 4am. -.- so bought food, reached lellel's place. ate food. err. hang at her place and about stuff. hahaha. then trudy and grace suprised her, by saying that they'll reach late, but they just came in her room and screamed. LOL. then talked, then she changed, then fixed stuff and took a cab to east coast park.
we shall fast forward to the fun part k? haha. east coast park > mcdonalds > look for a spot > meet karina > back to base
we set-up a tent! ZOMG. we frikkin rock! so it was me and karina and grace, then it was freaking hot, so we decided to set-up the tent. haha. at first we had totally no idea what to do, good thing karina was with us! hahaha. so poked the thingie through here, then poked the other thingie through there and voila ( = viola! JANEEN. LOL)! haha. a tent! i was like, i am so gonna sleep, but then couldn't. it was cooling inside, but it's pretty hard on the head. :(
meet khoi > meet brian and kenneth > meet arlyn and arvin > set-up stuff
we were trying to bbq without a pit (LOL). and it ended in epic fail. hahahaha. it was pretty funny tho. then some dude kicked us out and told us to book a pit, so booked a pit we did. haha. we were supposed to go to pit b-2. ZOMG. you have no idea how hackin far that is. we had to walk around for like more than 20mins? like seriously. carrying all our food and stuff and a tent cos we were too lazy to build it down. then while walking, me and trudy were screaming and singing songs! that was so fun. hahaha. i took a pic of our tent on the move, but i'll post it some other time. haha.
when we reached the pit, they immediately started to try to start a fire. i wasn't much of a help. haha. gosh. all i did was just crack the coals apart. YAY ME. after dunno how many eons, the fire finally lit and we were all like screaming! thanks to kuya and his awesome papay-ing skills. LOL. so bbqbbqbbq. while i was running around doing dunno what. i think i was high on the shandy too, right grace? LOL. 0.5% alcohol you know! so high right?? :D ZOMG. you know, me and trudy were like the taste-testers of the chicken. then the one i ate was raw on the inside. -.- it was kinda nice tho. HAHAHA. the rest of the food were nice. haha.
bought super big gulp at 7'11 > talktalktalk > take pics > eat
when we were all done eating, we decided to play games. haha. lel brought board games, but we were all too lazy to use our head to play so we played truth or dare instead! haha. lemmie see if i remember everything that happened. it was a pretty short game anyway. grace got dared to hug a lamp post and sing the milkshake song. haha. trudy got dared to ZOMG. i can't remember! arvin (kuya!) got dared to hug a tree and shout 'i love trees'. khoi got dared to be a mime in the middle of the road. he did much worse i tell ya. hahaha. ok i wouldn't say the truth stuff. LOL.
aftert that, we decided to play sardines! it's like this reverse hide and seek where there is one person hiding then the rest of the group must find him/her. when someone finds the person, he/she would join the person in hiding. the last person who gets to the hiding place loses. haha. so our first missing person was brian. ZOMG. he's frikkin smart. haha. he thought of the perfect place to hide, especially we were all like wearing black (except for arlyn. haha). lellel and grace lost so they had to do a forfeit and were next to hide. they hid behind a tent. we found them cos they were laughing so loud! hahaha. we wanted to play another round, but then lellel and some others had to get home already.
we walked to the exit > went to toilet and changed > bought drinks and stuff
after that, we said our good byes to each other. LOL. i went with lellel and trudy. karina is with khoi and grace (dang, i pity her. LOL). then brian and kenneth were with arlyn and arvin (i think). the three of us were trying to flag a cab, but those passing our way were either hired, or all heading jurong. -.- so we had to walk like dunno how far. seriously. it was pretty fun tho, our walk. haha. we were singings songs like people had no ears! HAHA. i leave you to interpret what that meant. ;) so there were totally no cabs, then in my head i was praying. God, we shall get a cab before we reach mcdonalds! and thank God, we did get a cab! WOOTS! if we hadn't gotten a cab, ZOMG. i don't even want to imagine. we left the bbq pit at like 9.30pm then we only gotten a cab at like 10.30pm. ZOMG. we were walking for an hour.
ZOMG. the cab driver was such a blessing. he's hackin awesome. very rare you find cab drivers like this. aiyah, i too lazy explain what happened oki? LOL. i just say that it's good. haha. i'm sorry lel if i caused trouble. :( i loviya! thank so much for everything. :)
so we reached bedok mrt. then me and trudy were running to catch the train. oh man. i miss badminton training and mr. kenny already. it's at times like this when we need them most. to scare us off our butts so we can run fast. :D
so took the train to cck, took bus then reached home at around like 11.30pm
i was originally planning to sleep straight when i reach home, but then i had to wait for my uncle to reach before i sleep, so i decided to use the computer for a while to post a quick update on plurk, but i ended up posting a super long post on my blog instead. hahaha. i'm gonna upload the pics soon, either here or facebook. :)
aww man. i'm beat. haha. i'm gonna go sleep now. later i sms gerald, then i complain abt my lack of sleep, then he'll be so sick of it already. hahahaha. okok. i'll sleep now. i still hav band prac tomorrow. gah.
list of things that randomly popped in my head:
- brian, you have to get over it. haha.
- kenneth, dude. which part of 'looking for' do you not understand?!? hahahaha.
- arlyn, dali-dali! hanapin natin si papa *****. LOLOLOL
- khoi <3 arvin forevah! *etches it on a tree*
- trudy, my singing buddy! apple bottom jeans! boots with the fur!
- grace, 0.5% shandy. tsktsk. you are underaged my dear. LOL
- karina, we rocked that tent's ass off! HAHAHAHA
- THE KISS! HAHAHAHAHA. pure epicness. ;)
i have a feeling i've done this before. haha
RULE ONE: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Tag FIVE people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
Tagged by Joanna
If your lover betrayed you, how will you react?
- screw this. my one and true love is chocolate. :)
If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
- to have no feelings nor emotions. hurray fairly oddparents!
Whose butt would you like to kick?
- a lot of people's butts. lemmie go ready up and wear my dad's construction boots. it's gonna be a long kicking.
What would you do with a billion dollars?
- first, rebond my hair, get a new comp and phone and that top i've been eyeing on. then set aside some for studies and stuff. then build houses for squatters. :D
Would you fall in love with your best friend?
- lucky i'm in love with my bestfriend. LOL. i love ya! (speaking of... LOL speaking of. I HAD THE COOLEST DREAM EVER. haha. YAY, JAP! <3 )
Which do you think more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- being the selfish person that i am, being loved. haha. but nah, not really.
How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- If I'm certain that he truly is the one for me, I'd wait as long as it takes. Though if it really was meant to be, I wouldn't have to wait now would I? :D (say whuut??)
If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- buy ice cream.
If you were to act with someone, who would it be? Your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
Would you invite your Ex bf/gf to your wedding?
- this so reminds me of bella and edward. hmmm. let's just say me and bella don't have a lot in common. :)
How would you see yourself in ten years time?
- hmmmm.. being the nocturnal person that i am now, i'd say... jill-ish. maybe i'd get a security guard too and not know his name.
What's your greatest fear?
- heights and worms.
What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- someone who is scared of heights.
Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
- single and rich. just being true to myself, baby. ;)
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
- roll over the bed and try to sleep again.
Would you give all in a relationship?
- i dunno. :)
If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- hmmmm. if you get stuck in a stranded island with two people, who would you eat first?
Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
- i dunno. would you forgive and forget if i killed your mom?
What is one song you think you will never forget?
- just friends by jonas brothers (MAJOR LOLNESS). haha. shut up.
TWENTY. List 5 people to tag
1. Lellel
2. Trudy
3. Chinyi
4. Grace
5. Nicolle
yes i know. i barely answered anything straight. oh well. gosh. haha. i love red wine. :)
Labels: quiz
Woots! I have blogger on my iPod now. Hahaha. Gosh. This will make me even more prone to nocturnal-ism. ZOMJILL. I'M TURNING INTO JILL. hahahahahaAnyway, wow. I've posted a lot in one night/morning. Haha I did quite a lot too. :D ok fine. Not a lot, but I got the gifts all done! :D to people getting gifts from me: I'm sorry I'm such a cheapo, but I'm seriously broke to the core right now. And besides, you guys said yourself that you're ok with anything. So be happy with what I got you!! LOL
It's my dad's birthday today! I'm wondering whether I should get up and cook him king's breakfast or just sleep. Haha I feel like I should do something really special like go to his work to replace him for a day, so he can stay home and rest. Aren't I such a good daughter.. Hahaha.
The problem is... I dunno what time he wakes up. O.O around now maybe? Oh well. I'll just finish up this post then I'll go an get ready. :D
Oh yeah... We're supposed to have a chalet for Lellel's birthday at sentosa today, but like, haven't booked yet. Gosh. Hahahaha. I wonder what would happen. And I don't even know if my dad will let me come on the 5th! :( hopefully yeah, but I'm not really looking forward to it, cos I wanna spend time at home since it's like just past my dad's birthday. You know my late reaction tendencies. Hahahaha. Gosh I'm such a weirdo.
Ohoh. Speaking of chalet.. Youth chalet is nearing!! Haha now that I'm excited for! Sleepover at re church babeh! I bet the guys would like be playing soccer at the carpark there ah. The space so big, can roll around the floor like no one's business. And yes I have something rolling aroud on the floor, ya got a problem with that? Haha. Ohoh. I got idea... At night like after or before watching the movie we can go up to the top floor then just sit there at the carpark and see the view. I heard it's super nice, but haven't got time to go up. Haha
Oooh. 05:48am now. I think I'm gonna get-up. Update ya later! :D
Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I hadn't slept yet. LOL
start of production: 0413 hours (04.11.08)
end of production: 0524 hours (04.11.08)
coming to a birthday near you
0440 hours
Does your password have to do with a boy?
- actually yeah. HAHAHAHA
Are you a girly girl?
- HAHA. you decide. LOL
Small or big purses?
- err. big enough to fit iPod touch + handphone + money + card. haha
What are the signs you like a guy?
- O.O shut up.
Do you enjoy drama?
- in life or what? haha. depends. :)
Did you dress up on Halloween?
- nope. haha
Do you call anybody by their last name?
- TAN. hahaha.
Do you wear makeup?
- nope. .
Have you ever been called a bad influence?
- to my brothers daw. O.O
American Eagle or Hollister?
- ???
Flats or Heels?
- flats. HAHA
Skirts or jeans?
- jeans <3
Socks or leggings?
- socks!
Heels or sneakers?
- sneakers.
Hoops or dangling earrings?
- dangling!
Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
- i bet lellel says light. LOL.
Do you have a best friend?
- err. duh?
What do you think about the person you like?
- who says i have a person that i like? hahahahaha
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
- nope
Do you like your life?
- yep. ;)
Ever walked into the guy's bathroom?
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
- hmm. lemmie see. samuel tan, nick stearns. a lot of other guys. all in one day! yay me!
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
- hmmm. maybe once. haha. MAYBE
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
- gosh. haha yeah
Do you ever wish you were famous?
- i think everyone has. haha
Labels: quiz