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window shopping
yo! :]nothing much happened today. i woke up at around 6am, because we had to apply for the singapore citizenship. -.- i don't really want to be singaporean (no offence guys), but i don't really have a choice. we're doing it for benefits so.. yeah. went all the way to lavander. sat around for more than an hour. good thing i brought this book emily lent me. it's called 'mere christianity' by C.S. Lewis. it's really interesting. i haven't really read much, about 4 chapters, but it's really nice! it made me wonder a lot about things about how i'm treating people and whether i'm doing things right. yeah. so basically woke up freaking early, sat around for more than an hour, just to get my thumbprints. -.- couldn't they have just cut off my thumbs and let me stay at home and sleep?!? :[
so went back to cck and ate lunch with mom and brothers. then we went home. basically slacked for 3 hours before heading off for cell. :] get to meet up with quite a lot of cell people at clementi mrt, so we all went together. then had cell. it was quite interesting.. now we have homeworks for cell! hahaha. hopefully, it would go well. ;]
after cell, went to have dinner at this japanese restaurant. now i owe ellie $1.60. haha. i must remember! :p then after eating dinner, went to stay with lava, sara grace and rachel at kfc to just talk and stuff. then walked to the mrt talking about interesting stuff. haha. >:] when i reached cck, i decided to go to lot1 first to check out stuff before going home, but i ended up window shopping and begging my mum to come. HAHA.
my mom took ages to come. i like walked around the whole mall for more than an hour! i visited almost every shop already. hahaha. then when they finally came, we went to look at stuff at cotton on. ZOMG. I WANT A LOT OF STUFF. i dunno why, but i seem to be liking yellow a lot these days. haha. in the end, just bought this something like a pinafore top thingie. i likee. :] i actually wanted to buy this like cardigan too, but mom wouldn't let even though it's like freaking cheap. :[ nevermind. i'll shop like mad when i go back to phils! YAY!
there's church tomorrow! YAY! haha. i dunno why, but i feel like it's been forever since i've last been to church. haha. must be on time for service liza! :D i miss the youth zone people too, even though i've just been with most of them today. i miss my chinese MSG people! hahaha. :P oooohh. i won't be going for lunch tomorrow. i'm going with my dad to best denki at takashimaya. MIGHT BUY IPOD.
ZOMG. if i get my iPod, i sweeeaaarrr. i shall do super good on my exams, fast msn AND facebook until the end of exams and STUDY LIKE MAD. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
make my day
had a pretty messed-up day today. i was totally irritable during the morning.i woke up then kept pressing snooze. teehee. then took a super long time showering so had to rush off. reached clementi at around 7.20. i was about to be late, if the bus hadn't come right on time! :] thank God! so reached school, watched the boring graduation ceremony. i mean no offence, i'm happy for the people graduating, but it isn't really interesting for us kids who're not graduating. it only makes us feel envious. -.-
anyway, after that, did the survey thingie. then had cme at the training room, becaiuse our class was blacked out. recessed. crapped throughout literature. snored through english. whatevered through history. funfun during mother tongue. blahed through geography. happyhappy during maths. :]
after school, went to have lunch with lellel at the hawker. did my drugs. haha. then was thinking about whether to get my specs from josh or not, but i really wanted to study so just decided to go straight to the library. :] i saw chinyi and her friend (annabella i think)! haha. what a coinky-dink. found a place at the 4th floor, but ended up chatting with lellel instead. haha. then we got serious so moved to the 2nd floor instead. studystudystudy. i did notes for 2 chapters of history. YAY! :] lellel finished her art. YAY! :] saw van there too. haha. but she didn't sit with us. :[
we went off at around 7.30. walked around at jec and took my passport photo at a photo booth. then went home. :]
dress buddies
bah. didn't go sch today. still siiiiccckkk. :[yesterday:
woke up late. :[ was supposed to meet lava at je by 9.15, but i met her at tiong at around 10am instead. really sorry for making you wait, lava. :[ anyway, rushed to church. sermon. hung around. lunch. then headed over to jurong to meet trudy, lellel and grace.
shopped (this fashion) > saw weijie > shopped > scream! > jurong regional library > toilet > toilet > mcdonalds > home.
too lazy to blog in detail. haha. if you don't gettit... DON'T ASK. :]
Seven Things That Scares You1. not being able to go back to philippines again.
2. my friends all forgetting abt me. :[
3. how hyper my friends can get.
4. how hyper I can get.
5. worms.
6. my brother being taller than me!!
Seven Things That You Like The Most
1. family.
2. friends.
3. church. (i knw, i knw. why didn't i put God in. i don't hav to! it's alrd known! :D)
4. handphone WITH credit. :]
5. psp WITH games. :]
6. dark chocolate.
Seven Most Important Things In Your Room
1. bible
2. clothes. duh.
3. blankie.
4. accesories
5. computer
6. photos
7. MR. BOLSTER. <3
Seven Random Facts About You
1. i used to be the youngest and tallest person in class.
2. the only thing tat i hav tat's pink (and i actually lyk it) is a zig marker.
3. the only reason i hav friedster is cos my filipino frens won't get facebook. :[
4. i like jogging if it was wit my mom or a dog, but hate it if it's at school. :[
5. i talk to myself.. A LOT.
6. i'm a good stalker. beware. >:]
7. i love my 'vintage' shorts. HAHAHA
Seven things you plan to do before you die
1. ride the space shuttle at enchanted kingdom.
2. hug everyone i know.
3. spill all my secrets. :P
4. go shopping for my funeral dress.
5. learn how to drive
6. get a pet.
7. get braces. :@
Seven Things You Can do
1. i can stalk ppl. YAY!
2. i can talk abt anything and everything if its on msn/sms (but not if it's in person).
3. pwn nat at djmax.
4. crochet!! HAHAHAHA
5. i can.. make babies cry. :]
6. i can play guitar.
7. i can (noobly) write songs. :]
Seven Things You Can't Do
1. i can't talk to some people. hehe.
2. i can't bike. :[
3. i can't shut my brother up. :[
4. i can't get myself to like flowers. :[
5. i can't say no. HAHA. (only some ppl can get this)
6. i can't stop procrastinating.
7. i can't leave my phone at home.
Seven Things That You Say The Most
2. wot ta devil?
3. u freakazoid!
4. i'm james flying through the sky! (DO NOT ASK)
6. HAH!
7. my hair's lyk kaboosh.
Seven Songs You've Recently Listen To
1. way back into love
2. wordplay
3. i'm yours
4. you and i
5. lucky
6. nerdy
7. with a smile
Seven Movies You've Recently Watch
1. wall-e
2. kung fu panda
3. freedom writers
4. over the hedge
5. over my dead body
6. spongebob the movie
7. the strangers
Seven Favourite Artiste
1. dashboard confessional
2. fall out boy
3. good charlotte
4. paramore
5. kamikazee
6. parokya ni edgar
7. eraserheads
Seven People You Tag To Do This Quiz
1. lellel
2. trudy
3. nicole
4. joey
5. leilani
6. lisa/syarifah
7. denise
Labels: quiz
i dunno. i jst feel like in a blogging mode. haha. i shall type sniff everytime i sniff. *sniff*.:D
ZOMG. i am so in love wit his blog. his BLOG does not equal to him ok. hahaha. i dunno, it's jst so entertaining. hahaha. been reading everyone's blog lately. even people i don't know. HAHA. *sniff* *sniff*.
ahhhh. my throat so itchy. *sniff*
friendster comments! waaaaah! *sniff*
i dun feel lyk goin cell tmr *sniff*
WANNA SEE MUMMEH ASAP! *sniff*sniff*
tat's it i ges. *sniff*sniff*
breathe right
ZOMG. i look like such a nerd with my hair up, wearing my super geeky specs and that breathe right nose thing. ZOMG. it's not even helping! i feel so sick. i'm lyk finishing tisse boxes by the minute! plus my throat is lyk super itchy. nuthin much happened today. had a pretty bad day. :[
i actually woke up on time.. earlier than i was supposed to, even! but was late for sch today cos parents were up yet to cook me breakfast and i was seriously starving cos didn't eat dinner the night before. so i had to cook for myself and that caused me to be late. ZOMG. there was this kid on the bus, cos i was standing near the door and he was behind me, and ZOMG. can a kid get more freaking irritating?!? i kept making tsk noises and looking back and the kid's mom was jst lyk.. nope. nuthin happened. ZOMG. IRRITATING FREAKS. like dude, can't you control your child?!? ugh. my butt obviously needs more space than ur little kid does, but tat doesn't mean he can push me off to my death!! WAH. ok. chill. ehem..
after tat, sch blahblah. didn't bring my psp. sadness.. but had fun during recess anyway. i went crazy for some reason. hahaha. then... blahblah. DETENTION. UGH. LIT TEST. UGH.
bought waffle and bubble tea. went home.
yo! once you star blogging, you can't stop! haha.nuthin much happened today. hmmm.. woke up late (as usual) then showered, prepare, breakie then rushed off. reached clementi around 7.15 and ZOMG it was raining really heavily! i was with seong eun tat time, and we both didn't have umbrellas so we decided to take a cab. so yeah, we were there waiting for a cab with lyk, hadzi, william, luciana, kiwi, anh and some sec 3s. then hadzi and william got a cab, then they kind of lyk asked me and seong eun to go with them lah, so we did. haha. tnx guys! :)
so reached sch a bit early, lyk before 7.30. jst slacked wit arlyn. did flag ceremony in class. blahblah.
after sch, bought lunch then went over to arlyn's place (again) to watch aquamarine. hahaha. i dunno why but jst watchin movies wit them is jst so fun! hahaha. we kept making fun of the characters. :P then after tat, took the bus home and here i am. :)
the day liza planned to go shopping
YAY. haha. i dunno why, but i'm lyk happy (for a change). hahaha.hmmmm.. so was almost late again today cos took my own sweet time getting up and showering. hehe. then ate breakie and rushed off. reached sch around 7.35 then went in with arlyn. :) pe 2.4 nafa run retest! ZOMG. WAHAHAHA. no comment, except for one thing. haha. thanks to the ppl who were lyk motivating me to run. haha. ZOMG. tat sounded so drama. haha. well i was touched and actually felt motivated for some reason. haha. then recess, just slacked under the stairs playing psp. then, music. just basically did twilight parodies wit lellel and grace while watching ella enchanted. Geo, didn't bring textbook so snuck out to waste time at the toilet so i wouldn't get caught. :P haha. after sch, had to go for detention cos was late yesterday but forgot to go. hehe. after tat, had lunch with van and grace. :) then went off to arlyn's house. ZOMG she cut her hair and it's super cute! haha. thanks to me and my suggesting skills. :P pretty much slacked there and played dance online 'till 4.30pm. hehe. there goes my plan on studying. zzzzzz.
anyway, trudy and lellel won't be going to sch next week. :( will really miss them, but i understand. well not rly cos i've never experienced tat, but.... yeah. nvm. rly sorry guys...
ummm. yeah ok. gonna go jogging and badminton-ing with mum later. hah! i am so gonna pwn her! :D ZOMG. i am so looking forward to going back to the phils during the holidays. i've alrd made a list of stuff to do and things to buy when i get there! :D
things to do:
2. hug all my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma, grandpa, dogs and cats.
4. rebond/cut/wtvr my hair.
7. SSI frens outing.
11. ice-skating!
12. family outing!
13. swimming!
15. force ppl to get me an iPod (if i hvn't gotten one by then)
17. buy gifts for s'pore frens (don't you guys feel so touched?)
18. take loads of photos.
21. christmas caroling.
23. beg for a new phone.
24. beg for braces.
25. have i mentioned SHOPPING?
shopping list:
10 tees (normal home clothes)
3 shirts
3 formal tops
2 jackets
3 sport shorts
5 shorts/bermudas
5 long pants/jeans
2 skirts (PPL ARE FORCING ME!)
2 pairs of shoes/sneakers/wtvr :D
2 belts
2 bags
flip flops
cute pajamas!
cute animal slippers!
fedora hat
3 lanyards (phils hav cooler ones!)
pair of specs i can wear permanently
might i mention tat the numbers on my shopping list is jst the minimum and not to mention all mine. :D
this is wad happens when u deprive liza of money in oh-so-everything-is-expensive-singapore.
take it, bitch!rats! pepper on my screen.
wind in my hair!
stop that
*girlish wailing*
you messed up my do!
what's wrong wit chu?
i'm jst trying to make a highly anticipated porno.
now where's the eduardo?
i shall never reveal his whearabouts!
edward and i have tightly secured our chastity belts.
ok. (wtf?)
do you like my camera? it's a sony.
i can afford to bribe you. i'll pay you 50cents!
vicky no givin u no loving!
fine. a dollah.
no. i spit on you! PUH
curses! your saliva is smelly!
hey where was my invite?
hunnybunch! pumpkin!
mwazzies babe...
sweetums! he's gonne make you star in his porno
what the devil?
i'm james flying through the sky!
devo my head
no, my sex on legs!
so, finally like a magnet you've been drawn to me...
and now i will dress you in the finest silk and robes!
mmmm.. your skin is soft, like a baby's bottom.
you'll never steal my virtue!
MARRY MEEEEeeeee......

specially for trudy. cos she tags my blog a lot.
love ya! will update soon. :)
001. Real Name – Liza R M R002. Nickname – Liza, Liz, Ate, PR, Mouse, Marie (pffft)
003. Single or taken – Single
004. Zodiac Sign - Libra
005. Male or Female - Female
006. Elementary School – St. Mary's Academy (1st-2nd grade), St. Francis Institute Learning and Business High School (3rd - 6th grade)
007. Ipod – I WISH
008. How many buddies on your list - 70 on msn. not counting my ym list. :)
009. Friendster name – i don't hav frstr
010. Hair Color – Brownish black
012. Hair Long or Short – long
013. Eye Colour - Brown
014. Are you health freak – nah
015. Height - 162? not sure. :s
016. Do you have a crush on someone - hmmmmmmmmmm. bah
017. Do you like yourself - :)
018. Braces? - want!
019. Think you're awesome? – yea thunk?
020. Piercings – ears.
021. Tattoo – nevar
Your 'Firsts'
022. Surgery – nevar
023. First piercing – ears
024. First best friend –cousin mildred! <3
025. First Award – hmmm.. blah. can't rmb. haha
026. First CCA You Joined – puclic speaking club? EWWW.
027. First pet – Fishes
028. First vacation – malaysia!
029. First Concert – cant rmb.
030. First love – <3
031. Favorite movie – too many to mention. :P
032. Favorite tv show – blah. rarely watch tv
033. Color – green, orange, violet, red
035. Drink – water! haha. mountain dew. :)
036. Body part not on the face – dunno! haha
037. Cartoon – pooh bear!
038. Favorite piece of clothing – converse shirt
039. Brand Of Shoes - CONVERSE!
040. What do you sleep with – psp and phone. <3
041. Favorite School – BLAH.
042. Favorite Animal(s) – kitties!
043. Favorite Book – princess diaries/series of unfortunate events
044. Favorite Magazine – blah.
What am i doing now?
045. Eating – Nothing
046. I'm drinking – nothing.
047. I'm about to – bathe
048. Listening to – nothing.
049. Waiting For – his reply.
050. Watching – nothing
051. Wearing – T shirt and shorts
Your Future
052. Want Kids – let me consider
053. Want to Get Married – depends
054. Careers in Mind – sound engineer/computer programming/song-writer. :)
055. Lips or Eyes – Eyes
056. Hugs or Kisses – hugs
057. Shorter or Taller – taller
058. Romantic or Spontaneous – Romantic
059. Nice stomach or nice arms – arms
060. Sensitive or Loud – Sensitive
061. Hook-up or Relationship – Relationship
062. Sweet or Caring – caring
063. Trouble Maker or Hesitant – trouble maker
064. Kissed a Stranger – nah
065. Drank bubbles – yah.
067. Ran Away From Home – nah
068. Broken a bone – nah
069. Got an X-ray – nah
070. Broken Someone's Heart – ???
071. Turned Someone Down – ....
072. Cried When Someone Died – nah
073. Cried at school – yah
Do You Believe In
074. God – YAH
075. Miracles – yah
076. Love at first sight – nah
077 Aliens – nah
078. Magic – nah
079. Heaven – yah
080. Santa Claus – nah
081. Sex on the first date – nah
082. Kissing on the first date – nah
083. Angels – yah
Labels: quiz
hmmm. lemmie clear out everything.i'm sick of being depressed and i'm depressed about being sick of being depressed. i want to get this out of my system so let's start all over again.
hi. my name's liza. nice to meet you. :) i won't tell you how old i am, but i'll be expecting presents to arrive on my doorstep on 13th october every year. i hav the coolest email-add ever, but i won't tell you 'till you ask me personally. :) i'm currently rotting in oh-so boring singapore, and is so craving for kikiam and quekquek in the philippines. i am supposed to be in an sms-aholics anonymous, but they kicked me out. why, you ask? i wouldn't concentrate on the meeting, cos i'd always be smsing. :) dashboard confessional, fall out boy and kamikazee is the love. :) if you're planning on stalking me, good luck.
well that was fun. hmmmm. back to reality now. sigh.
P.S.: i know. i know. i'm supposed to be starting over and delete everything, but no. haha. lazy. :P