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It's amazing how you can speak right to my heartWithout saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all
ngunit inaaaayyy!
yes. i have revamped once again.
hi. i'm a tie-shop. nice to meet you.
today was great!we had the kids worship miniconcert thingie. the kids were all soo cute!
i came to church with chinyi and i was late by like, 30mins. as usual. hehe. then we go set-up stuff. then practice abit. haha. we all look so cool in our shirt and ties. like pro rock band. haha.
then after the whole thing rite, i went to get everyone's tie just for the lulz. teehee. my randomness precedes me. >:] so i went around church wearing my dad's polo shirt and 6 ties. [my own, 2 of leon's, chinyi's, nathaniel's and ben's]. everyone kept asking me like, what are you doing wearing so many ties?!! then i'll be all like, cos i'm cool. it's the cool thing we teenagers do nowadays. hehehe.
then after i returned everyone their ties back. *sniff* me and thrippie walked to the mrt and took the train. she went home then i go to woodlands. i was on the way like v sleepy. ahhh. halfway through the party, i was really super sleepy so i went home.
i got home. turn on comp. sleep. use comp. :)
extra! extra! random lady go siao at library!
sorry, my loyal fans!! haha. i've been so busy this week with exams coming up, plus all my church stuff. :( so specially for u guys, i shall update! haha. cos i luff u all! mwuah!
the english paper 1 was ok i guess.. i wrote a lot less than usual. usually i'll go more than 200 past the limit, then now only less than 10 words! the exceding words i mean, not the whole thing. haha. then after the english paper, we stayed back cos we were supposed to meet ms. shivali for the ipw thingie. then in the end she nvr come. like diao. ==! nvm.
after tt, we went to the jurong library as usual. the place was like super packed and we had to resort to using the shelves at the reference section as our tables. haha. we are v efficient can? haha. so studystudystudystudy. then lellel wanted to go for coffee at cafe galilee so we go downstairs.
bought food to eat. arghh. i used my card again! i think my parent's are gonna kill me when they see my bill :(
i'm sorry lellel and arlyn, but i wouldn't be able to pay you guys back till next month! i'm sooo sorry!!anyhoo, then we sit there eat and drink then suddenly a random lady came to ask trudy the time. then she ask whether tibetans were negros/indians/chinese. then started debating against us about how islands are all gonna sink or something. i oso dunno, i was too busy trying to control my laughter. hehe.
i'm not trying to be mean la, but like "who cares? we're all just gonna die anyway." haha. kiddin. but seriously, who comes up to a person and tells them they're gonna die? like random can? at first i thot it might be like a stupid hidden camera show or somthing, then i started looking for cameras around. no cameras. haha. so stupid can. haha.
she even told lellel, "you're very pretty u kno, but why are u wearing specs?!! when u older must get contacts u kno. u very pretty arh. u kno, when i was young i oso very pretty. then i've got long hair, fair skin. but then i grew old. so no use alrd." like sooo random can?!! even more random than me lah!! hahaha. then i kept excusing myself to the toilet cos i really needed to LAUGH badly. hahaha.
so there, then i went back she was gone alrd. then they were all laughing like siao, haha. they said that before she left, she was standing there facing our table and shouting to them, "don't be stupid! make yourselves pretty! go marry an american and watch the other islands sink!" if i was there i would hv gone like, dude. don't you know that america's like the #1 contributor to global warming?! if any island is going to sink, it's supposed to be america. if america's an island that is. hehe. my geography isn't really that good.
then after the whole fiasco, we decided to all head back home :)
today, i woke up at 7am cos we had kidsworship practice at 9. arrive late, as usual. ==! then practicepracticepractice. i so long nvr play guitar, so like i'm a noob again. hahaha. nathaniel more pro than me can? haha. he's like the mini-ben. =p then nicolle was singing with the mic away from her so i cannot hear her sing, then i get confused by what part of the song we are doin. haha. then nathaniel sing soo cute!! haha. i've got it on my phone! shhh.. =p
rite after kids was youth. gah. i was alrd so tired can, my fingers like bleeding alrd :( 4 hours straigh play u kno!! i'm rusting alrd ok, so like tt. haha. then me and nat like, dying alrd cos too tired. haha. finally finish! woots! i was supposed to go for the guitar workshop thingie, but i was too tired alrd. haha. then there's another workshop coming up but its on the holidays so i figured i'd just go for tt one. :)
so i took the bus home. slept. went off to cell. took train with leon&ben&annabel. got home. sleep.
1.Could you date someone taller thenyou?if he's older than me, yes. if not, NO.
2. When was the last time something bothered you?
just now, when i couldn't find my songsheets for tmr.
3. What would you do if your ex showed up at your door?
i dunno. i'll cross the bridge when i get there?
4. What are you watching?
my computer lagging.
5. What do you think of this person you took this from?
6. Where was your default picture taken?
at home
7. Who was your last text from?
from twin thrippie!
8. What's the most interesting thing that you did today?
i dunno. haha. there wasn't cell today so nuthing really.
9. What's your favorite number?
10. Are you single?
haha. yeah. "i'm not married..... yet."
11. What is your current mood?
12. Last people you hung out with?
lellel, seong eun, chinyi, lava, eleanor, pamela, leon, emily, bestfren [marcus]. haha
13. What sport do you enjoy playing?
badminton <3
14. Do you have a crazy side?
no i don't, but my evil twin has. :D
15. Ever had a near death experience?
16. What was the highlight of yourweek?
17. Could you date someone who was a bad kisser?
18. Who would be the first to know if you got someone pregnant/got pregnant?
errr.. no comments. haha
24. Whats the last thing someone said to you?
"matulog ka na!!" = "go and sleep now!!"
25. Where is your phone?
on the duck cell phone holder thingie my thrippies gave me. <3
26. Do you like cuddling?
27. Who/what do you hate/dislike currently?
alot of people.
28. Have you ever been given an engagement ring?
29. Would you ever cheat on yourboyfriend/girlfriend?
30. Would you ever date a friends ex?
32. What is the last thing you thought about?
about who was my friend's ex. ewwww.. haha.
33. When is your birthday?
13 october
35. How do you feel about your hair right now?
i wanna rebond and cut!
36. Do you miss anyone?
yes. <3
37. What do you miss most about the past?
memories with mildred. haha. and how absolutely gullible i was for thinking digiland was real.
38. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
Labels: quiz
metal, classical or rock?
i've never really been particular about my music.i listen to songs of all types.
rock, indie, metal, classical, jazz, reggae, alternative, punk, worship, everything except hip-hop/rnb, you name it my itunes got it.
but the genres that stands out for me the most are rock, metal and classic. they're all different, you know?
but which one do i like the most?
pretty though question if you ask me. GAH. only God knows how much i like each of 'em.
first, there's rock. everyone, or at least people from my generation, loves rock. you could hear them playing on the radio everytime. ROCK is just soo there, it's almost considered as a culture. There's also tonnes of artists who live off their rock music. i usually listen to rock songs, but sometimes i get so sick of it, it pisses me off.
then there's classical music. mostly, the oldies like my dad likes it. i kind of like it too, but not really my all-time fave. but it's calm, soothing, gentle on the ears. well, teens like me aren't really supposed to be listening to this stuff. if you are then you're like, an outcast or something. i dunno. some prejudiced thingie, that states you're uncool, but you really aren't right?
then finally there's metal music. now you really have to be hardcore to like this thing. you should have the ears tough enough to handle it. haha. i have those kind of ears. is that a good thing or a bad thing? anyhoo, i don't really listen to metal music. only just recently. ok, fine. maybe i did like a long time back, but kind of stopped when a friend said it was kind of demonic, but it isn't right? i mean, not all of those stuff. some are, but i only listen to the good ones. haha.
so now you tell me..
will it be popular rock, soothingly classical or hot metal?
first, there's rock. everyone, or at least people from my generation, loves rock. you could hear them playing on the radio everytime. ROCK is just soo there, it's almost considered as a culture. There's also tonnes of artists who live off their rock music. i usually listen to rock songs, but sometimes i get so sick of it, it pisses me off.
then there's classical music. mostly, the oldies like my dad likes it. i kind of like it too, but not really my all-time fave. but it's calm, soothing, gentle on the ears. well, teens like me aren't really supposed to be listening to this stuff. if you are then you're like, an outcast or something. i dunno. some prejudiced thingie, that states you're uncool, but you really aren't right?
then finally there's metal music. now you really have to be hardcore to like this thing. you should have the ears tough enough to handle it. haha. i have those kind of ears. is that a good thing or a bad thing? anyhoo, i don't really listen to metal music. only just recently. ok, fine. maybe i did like a long time back, but kind of stopped when a friend said it was kind of demonic, but it isn't right? i mean, not all of those stuff. some are, but i only listen to the good ones. haha.
so now you tell me..
will it be popular rock, soothingly classical or hot metal?
1] At what age do u wish to marry?25??
2] What i want the most now?
getting her off my back.
3] Who is the person you trust the most?
GOD :)
4] Do you think you have enough confidence?
err.. no?
5] If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
:) teehee.
6] Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
yep. it's God's promise. :)
7] What are you afraid to lose the most now?
my d&t project!
8] If you could recolour the rainbow, wad colour would you change it to?
violet, beige, orange, white, black and tan brown. :)
9] Have you broken someone heart that he/she tried to comit suicide?
10] What feeling do you love most?
the endorphin from chocolate. :)
11] What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
he must get along with my fam! haha!
12] What feeling do you hate the most?
13] Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
not really every.. but most. hehe. :)
14] Do you believe in God?
15] What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
thing not person rite? comb. haha. don't ask.
16] Who do you hope to be always there for you?
twin thrippie! =p
17] Whose y0ur best friend?
arlyn, lellel, nicole, chinyi, lava, more more people. :)
18] What kind of friend you hope to be in your friend's eyes?
errr... i dunno? hehe
19] Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
very friendly but always kena detention. hahaha. kiddin. =p
20] Do you think "Love" is stupid ?
NO. <3
Labels: quiz
i luff u, lellel!!
whooooo!! woots! whoopeee! wuahahhaha!!I GOT A NEW JACKET!
[censored as shop-owner doesn't want to reveal price. but i tells ya, it's damn low!]
today, quite normal. hehe. i forgot to go detention again. :S i'm scared mr. zafran would call me tmr. but anyways, haha. today after sch, went to the library with lellel again. i wanted to borrow the book i hid yesterday. hehe. :P
first we ate at the canteen. then bought our bubble tea before taking 143 to the JE regional library. then we just slack there lor. talk talk talk. eat. talk talk talk. go home. haha
on the way home, we went throught jurong east then saw a kindof stall there selling clothes and stuff, and i saw this jacket! ZOMG! i loved it! waaaaaaah!
then after i buy, i went with lellel cos she was browsing some book there on sale, when i got a call. it was from josh. he told me tt i was selected to act for this skit thingy for youth camp. then i was like, ok. then i got off the phone, and tt's when i started sucking in the info. hahhahahaha. sorry! my mind needed time to process! hahaha.. so yah, GAH. i can't believe i said yes. i don't even know if i had a choice.
anyway, after tt, on the way to the mrt, we walked by the pasamalang and looked at their stuff there. we saw this one watch shop, then they sell the square watches. then i really wanted to buy but i don't have the $kaching$. then we ask how much, they say $-. then i really don't have the money and i don't want to withdraw cos i alrd used up too much cos of ben mah's bday gift. so we just walked straight, then lellel kept telling me to haggle. she says that if i can get it at $- price then she'll lend me the money. so we go back again, then ask if we buy 2 watches would they reduce to $- each. then they say can lor. so we buy! haha. almost half the price you know! super good! hope God would bless them with good business!
after buying, went home. did homework. eat. wash-up. check-email. talk with fren. blog.
i can't get you out of my head.
first we ate at the canteen. then bought our bubble tea before taking 143 to the JE regional library. then we just slack there lor. talk talk talk. eat. talk talk talk. go home. haha
on the way home, we went throught jurong east then saw a kindof stall there selling clothes and stuff, and i saw this jacket! ZOMG! i loved it! waaaaaaah!
then after i buy, i went with lellel cos she was browsing some book there on sale, when i got a call. it was from josh. he told me tt i was selected to act for this skit thingy for youth camp. then i was like, ok. then i got off the phone, and tt's when i started sucking in the info. hahhahahaha. sorry! my mind needed time to process! hahaha.. so yah, GAH. i can't believe i said yes. i don't even know if i had a choice.
anyway, after tt, on the way to the mrt, we walked by the pasamalang and looked at their stuff there. we saw this one watch shop, then they sell the square watches. then i really wanted to buy but i don't have the $kaching$. then we ask how much, they say $-. then i really don't have the money and i don't want to withdraw cos i alrd used up too much cos of ben mah's bday gift. so we just walked straight, then lellel kept telling me to haggle. she says that if i can get it at $- price then she'll lend me the money. so we go back again, then ask if we buy 2 watches would they reduce to $- each. then they say can lor. so we buy! haha. almost half the price you know! super good! hope God would bless them with good business!
after buying, went home. did homework. eat. wash-up. check-email. talk with fren. blog.

yay! today had church with my beloved youth zone!haha. last nite i slept really late cos was girl-talking on the phone with lellel. haha. we had some plans going on. *winks*. so yeah, today woke up to my dad singing some cheesy 70's song. then my alarm rang which means i really hvta get up and bathe or else i'm gonna be late but i still slept for abt 20 more mins. hehe. then i finally got up in time for breakfast. showered. dressed-up. then kind of slacked while preparing to go so we were kind of late, so my dad decided to take a cab. then we wait for cab for almost like an hour! GAH! we would alrd be at church if we just took the mrt in the first place. haha. in the end we did take the train.
we got church at abt 11-ish. haha. oh gosh, we were an hour late. :( disappointment. i know. :( So anyway, listened to the sermon, then prayed. then got to hang-out with friends.
sorry abt the super random gift and the girly giftwrapper,
i had to work under pressure. haha
oh and i got you a fish! cos you swim!
sorry abt the super random gift and the girly giftwrapper,
i had to work under pressure. haha
oh and i got you a fish! cos you swim!
haha. yeah, so kind of celebrated his birthday there at church. then we stalked him cos he's the way to ethan. hehehehe. so yeah.. me, chinyi, nicolle, pamela all go find ethan and pester him cos he's SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! >:]
haha. ok. nvm that, i'll start going haywire again. :P then went for lunch with lahf people. [i wasn't really supposed to. shhh] then i go with the girls go to the elmo shop. haha. then went back to the mrt station and went home.

yay me!
haha. i'm finally done revamping! :)now this looks more fitting. i'm so proud of myself! haha.
atleast it's not the whole emo/renaissance/melodramatic thingie anymore. haha.
anyhoo, i've just noticed something..
i speak too much singlish in my blog. i can't even believe i say/type those things. GAH. and this is why i don't get A1's for english. ==!
well, tt's it.. haha.
sports day tomorrow. and i still can't run. ==! and i was supposed to be in the 8x50m race! oh well, i didn't really wanna join anyway. hehe.
au revoir. :P
ZOMG! it's been soooo freaking long since i've last posted anything!gah. i almost forgot my pasword to blogger. haha.
well a lot has been happening these days.
some issues popped up. and i thought i was the only one who had the problem. well, we can't just please everyone. there's just some people you get along with and people you don't. get over it.
oh and do you know that i sprained my ankle? like really really bad..
haha. just when i was improving on my running. and now i can't run. :( i'm alergic to sports. that's why i always fall sick/injured when i get involved with one. :(
haii.. so now i'm revamping my blog to give me motivation to write again! haha.
nah.. i'm just bored.