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Name: Liza Rae Ruedas
Birth date: 13th October 1993
Eye colour: dark-brown-blackish thingie
Hair colour: dark brown. sun bleached hair. hehe
Right or left: rightie. :)
My heritage: Filipino
My fears: things that squirm. :(
My weaknesses: chocolates. :)
My perfect pizza: hawaian! :)
My thoughts 1st waking up: urghh... 5 more mins.
My bedtime: usually 2200. :(
My most-missed-memory: SEC 2 CAMP!
Pepsi or coke: pepsi
Single or grouped dates: group
Adidas or Nike: nikeh!
Tea or nestea: nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolates. :)
Cappucino or coffee: cappucino. :)
Smoke: i'm a passive smoker. :(
Curse: no, i've changed! :)
Take a shower: yes.
Have a crush: :)
Think you've been in love: :(
Go to school: >:(
Wanna get married: in the future, yeah.
Believe yourself: YES! except for the CRC and abseiling. teehee
Think you are a health freak: not really. :P
Drank alcohol: yes. :)
Gone to the mall: yes. :)
Been on stage: yes. :)
Eaten sushi: loves! :)
Dyed your hair: no. all natural babe! :)
Played a stripping game: no :)
Changed who you were to fit in: yes. :(
To be married: Late 20's or early 30's.
To ride a motorbike: Early 20's.
Best eye colour: Natural Colour
Best hair colour: Natural Colour
Best hair style: natural? naturally spikey? LOL. kiddin. :P
Short or long hair: Not too long nor too short..
A minute ago: answering this thingie
Hour ago: rolling on the bed
4-5 hours ago: half-sleeping in class.
1 month ago: half-sleeping in class.
Year ago: wanting to go to school
Now: dreading to go to school
I love: God! :)
I feel like: eating chocolates! :)
I hate: him for not coming! :(
I hide: special secret. :)
I miss: SEC 2 CAMP!!!! :(
I need: water. :(
1. twinnie!
2. ubeness!
3. pamela
4. areum
5. diane
anyhoo, yesterday was valentine's day and it turned out very boring. :( if you didn't have a calendar, you wouldn't know that it's actualy valentine's day. you can so not feel the love in the air. some people also didn't come to school (i.e. trudy and van!!!) so kinda boring lor. then seong eun.. haii.. seong eun going crazy already. LOL. kidding!! don't punch me! :( LOL. have i mentioned that i broke my finger while playing soccer? no? well, i broke my fringer while playing soccer. :) haha. it was so stupid! cos during p.e. i was actually supposed to be excused, but it was free games day and they all wanted to play soccer so i was goalie. :) then at about the end of the game, i dunno who kicked the ball to the goal thingie, then i tried to catch it. then it ended up hitting my hand really bad! LOL. at first it was ok, but it got harder and harder to hold stuff! LOL. at the end i had to hold it with 2 rulers and last year's geography twine. LOL. then i went to the general office during english, but they didn't have the proper first aid. LOUSY! >:( so i was stuck with the weird rulers all the way home. >:(. at the bus, people were looking at me funny. bah. :( then i got home rite, i took off my shoes. i took off my skirt (i was still wearing my p.e. short underneath) and slept all the way to this morning! LOL. even i was shocked. so i was like, ZOMG. i'm still super tired from camp! haha. and i even found it hard to wake up this morning cos i was still sleepy! LOL.
today kinda ok lor. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY! :) haha. when i woke up i got 5 smses and a million missed calls. LOL. i'm popular! :P haha. anyhoo, replied the sms. forgot about the calls. LOL. then got to clementi early! :) did the usual school stuff. :)
today after school we were supposed to have PAW. only we couldn't use the music room cos there were already dancers there and the rest of the group wasn't there. there was only me, and wai yan. :( ms. cheong was also no where to be found. so we just decided to move to the 2nd floor near the computer labs to just properly plan about stuff. then hannah and joey came along and helped us plan for stuff. after that we just prayed for everything and that God would just provide a proper place for us and that we'd be able to gain support and just guide us in everything!
Gosh, i am so excited! :)
I can't wait for a revival!
got to clementi mrt station later than expected. i saw seong eun and lellel waiting for me. haha. gosh, i was like, super late. :( sorry for making u guys wait. :( *hugs* anyhoo, after that we took a cab to school then lined up quick. after flag ceremony, we got to see chief kent again plus the instructors. then we got told our groups the got split-up.
here's my group:
- me! :)
- lellel
- liyan
- syarifah
- chloe
- carynna(?)
- wai yan
- terrence
- lwin fong(?)
- cooper
- samuel
- matthew
- raj (dunno full name eh. LOL. sorry.)
- iswan(?)
- piranesh
- chandra(?)
- avery
- khoi
Liza: I can't move my leg. Seriously, I can't!
Jason: who says you can't do it?
Liza: me.
Jason: who are you to say you can't do it?
Liza: cos i'm the person who's doing it!
after some song session, it was announced that one of our team-mates is missing. indeed, piranesh was. LOL. we were now playing kidnap! LOL. we had to solve this puzzle while 4 people go look for piranesh. it was some simple puzzles that just needed a bit of thinking. after 3 tries, i found the way! haha. then it was correct! ZOMG. LOL. so we handed up the puzzle then waited for the search party to come back. they didn't found nesh. :( so we had to do activities to get 3 keys to free and find piranesh. we did like, A LOT of things before we even got near to getting the 3 keys, but we did make it! haha. so after that we had to go look for nesh, who was so cleverly hidden behind a plank of wood at the dark corner. wah. then the guys had to carry him back and his pants kept falling! ZOMG. hahahhahaha. *ehem* anyhoo, after that had to rush back to the MPH and had to do a cheer. so i leaded a cheer then just did the "repeat after me" thing. then we were 3rd!! haha. even if we didn't get first it was still ok. haha. very fun. :) after that had to brush teeth and wash up. then went to sleep. :)
2nd day had to wake up early lor, cos our group had duty. so yah, liyan woke me up at about 5 or so. then we went to wash-up and brush teeth at the toilet. after that we woke other people up and got changed then reported to the MPH hall, but turns out we were too early! LOL. so our group and some other just hung-out at the carpark while waiting. some instructors finally woke up and lead us to do this morning excercise thing where we say a part of our body then we were supposed to hit it on the floor!
here at jahlan bahtera(?)!
we do it with our heads!
finger, finger, finger!
palm, palm, palm!
shoulder, shoulder, shoulder!
hip, hip, hip!
butt, butt, butt!
knees, knees, knees!
head, head, head!
anyhoo, after that was the flying fox. ZOMG! you don't even have to ask me twice. duh, i wanna go! LOL. well, actually i asked people first if i should go, then they were like, yeah cos if you don't you'll be thinking about it so much and you'll regret it. so i did. haha. and i didn't regret going! ZOMG! it was sooo fun! i wanna go again! ok, fine. it hurt a bit cos of the harness but it was still very fun! ZOMG. it's the only high element station that i like! :)
after that, had to go eat lunch. then change into our dark shirt and shorts. then we had to wait before going for the nature rumble. while waiting, we thought about what we should do for the campfire performance. at first, we thought about doing this american idol thing. then next is a skit about camp where we all acted very sian. LOL. so we all planned about it then had to go for the nature rumble. we walked to the jungle-ish place and had to walk to the end and then walk back out again. so sad, we didn't get to the mud pool. :( i was actually looking forward to that. so sad lor. :(
after that, we had time to shower and get changed before dinner. after having dinner, we sat down at the MPH for a song time before going to the campfire area. ZOMG! the campfire was so much fun! :) our group wasn't very enthu anymore cos they were all saving energy to shout for our performance, but i kept like, shouting like mad! LOL. i can't remember all the performances anymore but i do remember seong eun's one! ZOMG. the girl dances like she has no bones! so freakingly scary and oh-so amazing at the same time! i was like, blown away!!! she never said that she could dance or anything. she doesn't even want to do presentations! she just sits there staring at plain oblivion. LOL. kidding. but i never really saw her dance! everyone was so shocked! LOL. so good sia. haha. anyhoo, our group was the last to present. we didn't get to do the skit after all. :( cos we didn't get to plan properly. so we did the line dance(?) instead! hahaha.. the people who can't do the line dance just went round and round. LOL. raj was supposed to break dance or do a shuffle or something but i dunno what happened. :( so after the crappy presentaion, we did our super loud cheer! :)
sexy-six! sexy-six! we are super sexy-six!
sexy-six! sexy-six! day and night we fight! fight! fight!
we will, we will rock you! rock you!
we will, we will rock you! oooooooooo!!!!
1, 2, 3, GO!
1, 2, 3, GO!
OOOOOOOOoooooo... shhhhhh!!
repeat after me! (repeat after me!)
we are the best among the rest! (we are the best among the rest!)
among the rest we are the best! (among the rest we are the best!)
we gonna go! go! go! (we gotta go! go! go!)
we gonna fight! fight! fight! (we gotta fight! fight! fight!)
we gonna win! win! win! (we gonna win! win! win!)
we gonna go! we gonna fight! we gonna win!
*whispers* we will win the war, you will sweep the floor!
one more time!
*says* we will win the war, you will sweep the floor!
one last time!
*shouts* we will win the war, you will sweep the floor!
i miss camp. :(
i've been sitting in front of the teeve and the laptop all day, watching amazing race asia marathon and chatting with friends online.
i've been feeling a lot better than yesterday. hahas. i think i might gat a knack at going to camp after all. ZOMG. hahaha. well, i am excited cos it's the first ever camp i'm going to here at singapore! whooo! well, it's not like i've been to a lot of camps in the philippines. trust me, i am not a nature person. but it sounds cool! and i wouldn't want to miss out on anything. hehe
so yeah, still watching teevee. lellel's been telling me for the millionth time to go to the clinic to get checked-up, but i still can't get out of the house. D: it was kinda embarassing, ok! LOL. i'm now fixing and editing our gang forum. heh. no one else is registering besides me and lellel, so guys if you're reading, REGISTER! LOL.
- jump into a pool without knowing how deep it is.
- not accepting an apology.
- sms people who i know wouldn't even bother to reply.
- think that i need to commit suicide because of something stupid like losing my chocolates :(
- use papaya soap as shampoo.
- use hair conditioner without rinsing.
- drink 3 cups of fine coffee without creamer, sugar or milk.
- watch kapamilya, deal or no deal and super inggo.
- post chain letters in friendster.
- argue with ate mai.
- join text-raffles.
- get in a bathtub fully clothed.
- believe that dieting would get me anywhere.
- get into the rhythm of the J.W. and S.R.L.P. song. [SSI thing]
- join the public speaking club.
- join the leadership training club.
- do my homework at the last minute. as in, doing it while greeting the teacher.
- really don't do my homework.
- taste vetsin. like, aji no moto(?) LOL
- cut my own hair using a pair of kitchen scissors just to get a fringe for "the style".
- shout out "sh!t" in the middle of a super quiet assembly.
- laugh for no reason.
- ask for a "happy meal" in jollibee. [in case you don't get it, a happy meal is the kids meal they serve at mcdonald's.]
- wear pink D:<
- try to watch The Lord of the Rings Trilogy in one day. [fail]
- love someone who doesn't love me back :(
- spam people!
- delete my friendster account.
- sleep at 3am and wake up at 4am.
- sleep at 6am and wake up at 6pm.
Labels: lists
Pero alam kong, walang pag-asa
Obvious naman diba, wag nang lokohin pa
Di naman ako tanga
Pero kahit ganon, kahit pa nasasaktan
Andito lang ako parang hindi mo alam
Katabi mo sa problema, ngunit hindi napapansin
Bakit ko ba kailangan pilitin?
Alam ko naman na meron kang iba
Kitang-kita sa wallet mo na may picture nya pa
Sa lahat ng tao, bakit kasi ikaw pa
Ito ba talaga aking tadhana?
Ohh, woahh, woah, Ohh...
Wag mo akong gawing tanga
Alam ko namang walang pag-asa
Pero, pero niloko mo ako
Pa gentle-gentle man ka pa
Akala ko you're the one, hindi naman pala
Inuto, inuto, inuto mo lang ako...
i was reminiscing. lol
Labels: composition
half of me hopes to get healed early enough to get to join camp. half of me doesn't.
half of me is excited for camp. half of me is dreading it.
ZOMG! owen wilson just showed up on teevee..
ZOH-EMM-GEE!! ZOMG!! he is sooooo terribly cute!!!
puppy dog cute, mind you. weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
teehee. i'm watching shanghai knights. owen is super cute! so is jackie chan! hahas. i don't really watch action movies unless they're also comediesor they have jackie chan in them. hahas.
Philippines. It wasn't so much of a really cool summer, but it
didn't go
the drain either.

Yeah, pretty much like this. At first we were so excited we could barely keep still then... *dun-dun-dunuuun* We were standing outside, taking crazy pictures of ourselves, when we suddenly took a look inside the jeep where we were supposed to sit. There were cockroaches seeping into our food supply!!! We screamed so loud I thought I heard a window shatter. After Derdz throwing the food away, and well me throwing up, we sat on our place and prepared for our adventure. The trip took 8 hours and was painfully uncomfortable. Derds took the seat by the window (she was prone to throw up if she didn't) and I sat by the aisle. The seat was only like, a row and wasn't individual so during the whole trip half my butt was on the seat and the other half was falling off. I could barely sleep while Derds was loudy snoring on my ear. There also wasn't a head-rest and we ate all the food we had before the trip even started so... life sucks for me. When we finally got there, I was sleepy, straving, and disoriented. I was kinda expecting a hotel, with people carrying my stuff for me, then a room with every furniture plated gold and the floor covered witha carpet of 400- thread count.
.... can't finish. LOL
and still got tonnes of stuff to do as always, and i'm not even halfway done with my art homework.
i'll prolly be staying back at school for an hour or two to get it done.. haii.. art is teh devil man.
anyhoo, i think i'll still be taking arts next year. cos i really wanna be a web designer.. either that or a sound engineer. i think they both need arts one. lol. so whatever. hahas. tho i just know i'm totally gonna suck at art. die alrd liao. ZOMG LOL.
well, that was random. haha. well, i was talking to my ubeness but i'll prolly should go now. eee.. art. *shivers* at least we only got half-day!! teehee.
- ipw projects
- d&t presentation
- music project
- geography presentation
- endless tests
- tonnes of homework
- worship practice
- cellgroup
i think i'm going siao already. -__-"
anyhoo, a lot has been happening lately. some are good, some are bad.
mostly bad, but the few good things make up for it. :)
well, gonna end up here.. still got a lot of stuff to do.. good night! :)
but anyhoo. hahas.
i just wanna say that..
just in case it wasn't obvious enough. teehee.
well, i really should be preparing for worship practice and cell tomorrow. plus i still got tonnes of homework to be done.
cya'll when i cya! :)